Get positional Tracking Camera parameter does not return the correct orientation for the hmd Camera

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 23, 2015

The orientation of the camera appears to be in the center of the level. The documentation states that the Camera Origin should give "Origin, in world-space, of the tracking camera" ...

No mouse decorator when dragging Event Dispatcher from My Blueprint panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 20, 2015

Currently there is no mouse decorator when dragging event dispatchers out of the My Blueprints panel in the Blueprint editor. This contradicts the functionality of drag-and-dropping variables, func ...

Blueprint child asset is set moved to offset position when set to simulate physics

UE - Gameplay - Mar 3, 2015

When setting up a BP via the scene with the new method of adding components and converting to a BP the child component that is set to simulate physics enabled will be offset from its original positi ...

Categories do not save within Widget Blueprints after compiling

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 13, 2015

If a variable is moved to a category outside of the default and then the user compiles the blueprint then the category will be erased and the variable will be put back in the category it was origina ...

CRASH: Random Crashes: Access violation - code c0000005

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

Crash Report: [Link Removed] UE4Editor_CoreUObject! UPackage::SavePackage() + 23952 bytes savepackage.cpp:3305 UE4Editor_UnrealEd! UEditorEngine::SavePackage() + 1065 bytes editor.cpp:4368 UE4Edi ...

Trying to set a variable in one element of an array of custom UObjects will set that variable for all elements in the array.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 29, 2014

If an array of custom UObjects is added to a class, changing the value of a UPROPERTY variable in one element of the array sets the same value in all elements of the array. ...

CRASH: 4.6.1 When running a dedicated server

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 24, 2014

Crash Report: [Link Removed] <unknown module>! KERNELBASE!RaiseException() <unknown module>! UE4Editor_Core!FOutputDeviceWindowsError::Serialize() <unknown module>! UE4Editor_Core!FMsg::Logf__VA( ...

Enumerators not setting data correctly in BP struct from .csv file

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 24, 2014

Enum data is not correctly setting names in the data table when pulling data from a .csv file. ...

Clicking a link from an unconnected reroute node compile error switches focus to the Level Editor tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 21, 2014

Empty reroute nodes lead to an error on compile with links that switch focus away from the BP Editor tab and onto the Level Editor tab when clicked. ...

The first time OnConstruction is called after duplication the Actor still has default class values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 18, 2014

A Blueprint derived from a custom Actor class resets its variables to their default values when the Actor is duplicated, even if the actor being duplicated has a different value for that variable. T ...