Using a 'Format Text' node to set a 'Text Render' component will crash on map load after project conversion

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 19, 2016

Using a 'Format Text' node to set a 'Text Render' component will crash on map load after project conversion[EUS] TJ Ballard - Opened the map on a users project from this AnswerHub post: https://answ ...

Differences in Post Process FX between Minimized and Maximized Viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 19, 2016

When scaling the viewport window using the Maximize/Minimize viewport option, the post processing effects applied to the screen do not scale properly. This issue seemed trivial at first, as the use ...

Doing a Rebuild in Visual Studio fails to compile

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Apr 19, 2016

Attempting to use the Rebuild option in Visual Studio will fail to build the project. It instead produces a message that "Epic was unexpected". ...

Editor crashes if a data table containing an attenuation settings struct

Tools - Apr 19, 2016

Editor crashes if a data table containing an attenuation struct is opened in the data table editor. Frequency: 4/4 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression? (No), issue (does) occur on 4.10.4 ...

Camera appears to pan when moving your head in VR preview with Lock to HMD check true

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 18, 2016

Camera appears to pan when moving your head in VR preview with Lock to HMD check true ...

Launched game without editor hangs if 'demoplay test' is used with the 'Execute Console Command' node

UE - Networking - Apr 15, 2016

Launched game without editor hangs if 'demoplay test' is used with the 'Execute Console Command' node Could be related to this JIRA: User Description: ...

Physics Constraint angular visualization are missing in 4.11

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 14, 2016

Physics Constraint angular visualization are missing in 4.11 This is a regression User Description: Since 4.11 angular constraints of the physics constant are not shown in the viewport. In 4.10 ...

Cones for angular constraints not visible is Separate Translucency is disabled

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 14, 2016

A user reported an issue where the cones that represent angular constraints in the PHAT editor are not rendered if Separate Translucency is disabled. This may be related to another issue with Separa ...