Crash when opening a level with skeletal mesh asset from the map copied to the clipboard

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 28, 2016

Navigating to a level with a skeletal mesh asset from that level copied to the clipbard from the world outliner will cause the editor to crash. This can currently only be reproduced in the TM-Contac ...

Editor crash when trying to launch on an Android target device from a Mac native platform

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 28, 2016

The one time it did not instantly crash after pressing the Launch button, I had to Kill -9 <PID> UE4Editor because it was using 129% of my CPU for 50 minutes. ...

Gray buttons have white text

Tools - Aug 2, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING 3074157BROKEN: 3074196 In the editor, gray buttons have white text, making them hard to read. This was seen in the Pick Parent Class and Pick Target Skeleton windows. May b ...

Adjusting Lighting Rig Rotation manually only affects the sky and not the lighting

UE - Gameplay - Aug 2, 2016

In the Preview Scene Settings, adjusting the Lighting Rig Rotation setting manually doesn't affect the lighting. It only affects the sky. ...

Actor Hidden in Game does not take lighting into account any longer

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 13, 2016

Using indirect lighting from bounce cards that are set to Actor Hidden in Game no longer generate indirect lighting for the scene. This is a regression of 4.11.2 where this worked but is no longer ...

Crash applying animation blueprint with sub instance to Skeletal Mesh Component

OLD - Anim - Aug 3, 2016

Crash occurs when the user sets Anim Class in a Skeletal Mesh Component to an animation blueprint with a Sub Anim Instance node. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_ShaderCore!FVertexFactory::Set() [vertexfactory.cpp:180]

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 5, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Source Context: 165 return *VertexFactoryTypeIt; 166 } 167 } ...

Ontextchanged is not fired in mobile device.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 22, 2016

Ontextchanged is not fired in mobile device. Both iOS and Android. ...

Unable to Package Project for Mac with Source Version of UE4

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 14, 2016

With a project built from Source on a PC, when rebuilt in XCode on the Mac, more than one user is unable to package the project for the Mac with very similar failures in the build logs. (*See attach ...

Packaged Build Crashing When Activating Particle System with Instanced Parameters

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 17, 2016

This crash only seems to be occurring in a packaged game, and it has not been able to be reproduced in a clean project following the steps that the user provided. ...