memory leak from incorrect PhysX shape ref counting

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 9, 2017

PxShapes are created with a ref count of 1, and it is up to the caller to decrement this once the shape has been attached to an actor. There are a handful of places in the code in which this doesn' ...

Redundant Material Slots Added To Mesh With LODs After Upgrading To 4.14 And Higher

Tools - Mar 9, 2017

When upgrading a project that was prior to the material slot implementation to a newer engine version will cause redundant material slots to be created. This requires the mesh to have LODs and multi ...

Warning spam on opening a level that contains actors with a childActor component

UE - Gameplay - Mar 9, 2017

When opening a level that contains actors with a childActor component, "LogSpawn:Warning: UWorld::DestroyActor: World has no context!" warning will be displayed for each actor. ...

Packaging fails if a nativized Blueprint inherits a TArray from a parent code class that is of type TSubclassOf< SomeClass >

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2017

Packaging will fail if a Blueprint is set to be nativized, and it includes a TArray inherited from a parent code class that is of type TSubclassOf< SomeClass >. REGRESSION: Unknown. Blueprint nativ ...

Crash after clearing the animation from a sample point in a 1D Blendspace

OLD - Anim - Mar 8, 2017

Regression: YES, sort of. The ability to change the animation from a dropdown didn't exist in 4.14 Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 160] Ran out of memory allocating 51539607528 ...

Text block Outline cropped out at large sizes

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 8, 2017

Text block Outline cropped out at large sizes. This affects Grid Panels and was additionally tested with Horizontal boxes with the same result Regression: This issue does not occur in 4.14.3 Binary ...

Deadlock in FXAudio2Device::UpdateAudioClock() whenever a KVM is used to switch to another input

UE - Audio - Mar 7, 2017

I have 3 machines with one set of keyboard, mouse, and monitors. Switching between machines is required during long running tasks such as cooking. ignore-Switch ...

Compile error with Local Variable of a Struct that contains a Set or Map type

UE - Gameplay - Mar 7, 2017

Compile error with Local Variable of a Struct that contains a Set or Map type. Standard and array variables work without issue. Non-local variables also work without issue. ...

Crash when launching Animation level of ContentExamples onto Mac

OLD - Anim - Mar 6, 2017

The standalone game window will crash when attempting to launch the Animation level of ContentExamples onto a Mac. I was unable to reproduce this issue in //UE4/Main at CL 3334033. ...

Odd decimals showing in FPS timeline of Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 6, 2017

There are odd decimals when FPS time snapping is set. This seems like a similar issue from UE-41311 This is a regression from This does not occur in //UE4/Main at CL 3334092 ...