Crash on project startup due to certain Skeletal Mesh being accessed

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 6, 2021

If you open the 6 assets that were close unexpectedly it will crashEnemy (Blueprint), Player_BP (Blueprint) and ThirdPersonGameMode (Blueprint) it crashesThe texture and Projectile_Base (Blueprint) ar ...

Dynamic Delegate for Actor doesn't show up in BP Editor

UE - Gameplay - Sep 21, 2020

The delegates for actor should show up in the Detail tab like components. There should be an "Event" group and list all available delegates, and designers can click on the "+" sign to add event on t ...

Adding NotifyTrack from AnimDataModifier doesn't refresh Animation Editor

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 12, 2020

When creating a Notify Track using an Animation Modifier in the Animation tab of an Animation Sequence, the new Track added and applied fails to appear in the Notifies panel until the panel has been ...

Moving or Renaming game mode reverts the projects default game mode

UE - Gameplay - Sep 27, 2019

When changing the name or moving the location of a custom game mode blueprint that is set as the "default game mode" in project settings, the default game mode is reverted back to the prior game mod ...

USkinnedMeshComponent::PredictedLODLevel can be set below MinLOD

UE - Anim - Rigging - Aug 12, 2019

 Within USkinnedMeshComponent::UpdateLODStatus_Internal, if the USkinnedMeshComponent does not yet have a MeshObject, MaxLODIndex will be left as 0 and as a result PredictedLODLevel will be set to 0 ...

If use Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton, PoseAsset of the skeleton will be broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 10, 2019

If user execute "Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton" on Skeleton where PoseAsset exists, the index held in FPoseData :: TrackToBufferIndex in PoseAsset will not be corrected, and it will refer to the ...

Level blueprint is being executed twice at start of PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 15, 2018

Level blueprint is being executed twice at start of PIE So far I have only seen this behavior with the Print String node when wired to Event Begin Play or Event Tick.  I have been unable to reprod ...

Promote to variable in a parent blueprint does not pass/preserve the non-default value in derived children blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 11, 2018

When using the feature "promote to variable" on a pin that represents a value that is not an engine default (Example: Floats = 0.0, Booleans = False, ect..), that default value (for the variable tha ...

MS_VertexAnimationTools_MorphTargets are not deforming and reforming

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 20, 2017

The Material should be contracting and expanding if it is working correctly, but after version 4.16 it is not. Instead it is solid in appearance in the material editor viewport. Below I have linked ...