Rich Text is offset when set as the child of a Retainer Box in a Widget Blueprint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 4, 2021

It seems that when playing a Rich Text Block into a Retainer Box, it causes the text inside the yellow row style to have additional spaces added to it. The user who reported this issue also had issu ...

RetargetSource in AnimSeqeuence doesn't affect DDC key

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 4, 2020

Retarget source doesn't affect DDC key, so it causes incorrect result. Changing the anim sequence DDC key generation to include it fixes this issue. ...

Actors are not properly restored when undoing a Replace Selected Actors transaction

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jul 22, 2020

When undoing a Replace Selected Actors operation, the resulting actor is corrupt and triggers an ensure where the root component is in the process of being destroyed. This is a regression that poppe ...

SBasePoseViewport should use ExtendedBounds, not ImportedBounds

UE - Anim - Rigging - Jun 16, 2020

In accordance with CL-9139422 of [Link Removed], the SkeletalMesh ImportedBounds does not have an Extend operation. However, SBasePoseViewport, the UI for retagettes, continues to use ImportedBounds ...

The SetEmitterEnable BP function needs implementation

UE - Niagara - Mar 2, 2020

The BP function calls FNiagaraSystemInstance::SetEmitterEnable, which sets ExecutionState on the emitter instance to ENiagaraExecutionState::Inactive. FNiagaraSystemSimulation::PrepareForSystemSimul ...

Anim notify issue with root motion replication

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 9, 2019 ...

Missing receipt error packaging Blueprint project for tvOS with custom iOS icon (Launcher build)

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 15, 2019

This failure occurs when trying to package SunTemple for TVOS. It did not occur with a blank blueprint project, until I added a custom iOS icon and tried to package a second time (I hypothesize th ...

Inappropriate description of tool tip when bone is selected in skeleton tree

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 11, 2019

According to the report from Licensee, this is because it is displayed when the child's bone has Weight, which is a cause of misunderstanding. ...

Function library functions don't show inside UObject Macro Libraries

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 4, 2015

Functions created in a function library do not appear in the context menu of a Macro Library that is parented to UObject. The same functions will appear if the Macro Library is parented to AActor i ...