Actors are not properly restored when undoing a Replace Selected Actors transaction

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jul 22, 2020

When undoing a Replace Selected Actors operation, the resulting actor is corrupt and triggers an ensure where the root component is in the process of being destroyed. This is a regression that poppe ...

SBasePoseViewport should use ExtendedBounds, not ImportedBounds

UE - Anim - Rigging - Jun 16, 2020

In accordance with CL-9139422 of [Link Removed], the SkeletalMesh ImportedBounds does not have an Extend operation. However, SBasePoseViewport, the UI for retagettes, continues to use ImportedBounds ...

The SetEmitterEnable BP function needs implementation

UE - Niagara - Mar 2, 2020

The BP function calls FNiagaraSystemInstance::SetEmitterEnable, which sets ExecutionState on the emitter instance to ENiagaraExecutionState::Inactive. FNiagaraSystemSimulation::PrepareForSystemSimul ...

Anim notify issue with root motion replication

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 9, 2019 ...

Missing receipt error packaging Blueprint project for tvOS with custom iOS icon (Launcher build)

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 15, 2019

This failure occurs when trying to package SunTemple for TVOS. It did not occur with a blank blueprint project, until I added a custom iOS icon and tried to package a second time (I hypothesize th ...

Inappropriate description of tool tip when bone is selected in skeleton tree

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 11, 2019

According to the report from Licensee, this is because it is displayed when the child's bone has Weight, which is a cause of misunderstanding. ...

Function library functions don't show inside UObject Macro Libraries

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 4, 2015

Functions created in a function library do not appear in the context menu of a Macro Library that is parented to UObject. The same functions will appear if the Macro Library is parented to AActor i ...

Screen position expression does not work in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 12, 2015

Screen position does not appear to work when used in UMG. The Material appears to be one solid color. ...