Instance Static Meshes spawned at Runtime do not have collision

UE - Gameplay - May 8, 2015

Spawning an Instance Static Mesh at runtime does not have collision. This issue appears only in 4.8 Preview 1 and the 4.8 Release branch (tested on CL-2540862), but is fixed in Main Branch as of Ma ...

Eject camera (and ToggleDebugCamera) do not have full look controls in the Topdown template

UE - Gameplay - May 7, 2015

The Eject camera (and ToggleDebugCamera) do not have full look controls in the Topdown template.In 4.7.6 the look is limited in both cameras by the mouse movement.In Main, both are limited as mentio ...

Linker errors when deriving from ADecalActor in game

UE - Gameplay - May 6, 2015

Cannot derive from ADecalActor in your game modules as not all of the functions are exposed and you get linker errors. ...

Re-enable rendering categories on UMaterialBillboardComponent

UE - Gameplay - May 5, 2015

Looks like the thread died in IM. I think we should re-enable the categories that were removed in 4.6. ...

Timer significantly lowers FPS as compared to tick running the same function

UE - Gameplay - May 1, 2015

Timers set to a low time setting, but that are not set lower than tick, have a significant impact on FPS as compared to tick when updated a large number of objects at the same time. ...

'Set Playback Position' node fires Timeline event even if 'Fire Events' is set to false

UE - Gameplay - Apr 30, 2015

'Set Playback Position' node fires Timeline event even if 'Fire Events' is set to false. User Description: Basically using the set playback position node to set a new time position for a timeline ...

Creating a class derived from Trigger Base or its subclasses fails in editor

UE - Gameplay - Apr 30, 2015

Attempting to create a class with the parent set to Trigger Base, Trigger Box, Trigger Capsule, or Trigger Sphere will fail to create the class ...

IgnoreActorWhenMoving node doesn't work if the actor variable is set per instance

UE - Gameplay - Apr 30, 2015

IgnoreActorWhenMoving node doesn't work if the actor variable is set per instance. ...

A Mesh that is attached to a skeletal mesh by a Socket will not accurately follow when transitioning from animation to ragdoll

UE - Gameplay - Apr 29, 2015

A Mesh that is attached to a skeletal mesh by a Socket will not accurately follow when transitioning from animation to ragdoll. This is potentially due to the Frame Delay that the engine uses. ...

Set Material from a Spawned Class renders World Default Material

UE - Gameplay - Apr 29, 2015

When using a Blueprint to Spawn an Actor Class then using a Set Material Node, the engine will register a material change but will only show the World Default Material. Also Reproduced in Main Prom ...