When using any of the Set Linear Limit nodes (X/Y/Z) and converting a project from a previous version of the engine, the nodes get their Constraint Type value reset to Free. I tested this with proje ...
The problem was reported via UE Bug Submission. I was able to repro with their provided test project. ...
While investigating an issue with Cull Distance Volumes, I noticed that AVolume::EncompassesPoint has a broken default implementation when WITH_PHYSX is not defined. If only chaos is enabled it will ...
In a character's Physics Asset, a bone that is set to Kinematic and its children will have a scale of 1 overriding the Skeletal Mesh's Scale Transform settings. When the root of the body is changed ...
Changing a public variable which is setup in the construction script of an actor to set the actor's collision response type does not change the actor's collision response type. The response type rem ...
When an actor with geometry collection is destroyed, the engine doesn't remove elements from array in the ChaosSolver So illegal references occurs. Removing element with following quick fix code ...