UMG: Crash When playing an animation with the Same Name as a Widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 22, 2016

Editor crashes when a UMG widget (Text block, whatever) and an animation track share the same name and the animation is played. NOTE: The Editor will not allow you to name a Widget the same as an a ...

Transform gizmo on sockets can become large and unusable

Tools - Feb 19, 2016

Transform gizmo can become huge when using certain meshes to create a socket on. I don't know exactly what's wrong with this mesh, but the transform gizmo isn't expected to go nuts. [Image Removed ...

Skeletal Mesh breaks perspective view in Physics Asset Tool.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 19, 2016

When importing licensee's provided asset the Physics Asset generated will completely break the Perspective View in PhAT. The other orthographic views will work as intended though. The licensee has ...

Input Axis Continues to Fire After Standalone Window Loses Focus

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 17, 2016

When using an input axis for a task such as moving a character, losing focus on the standalone window while holding the key does not stop the axis from firing, which means the character will continu ...

TMap and TSet variables do not display properly when inspecting in VS2015

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 16, 2016

When inspecting a TMap variable during runtime, the value of the variable is not displayed properly inside VS2015. Screenshots included to show what the TMap variable looks like in VS2013 (ProperTM ...

Source assumes that TG_PrePhysics is the first tick group

UE - Gameplay - Feb 16, 2016

Licensee has reported an issue with the source code and proposed a fix. The issue is that the source is assuming that TG_PrePhysics is the first tick group in all cases. Information can be found abo ...

Skeletal Mesh Imported Normals do not update correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 12, 2016

When importing a skeletal mesh there is an issue where the normals of the face do not update with the faces of the inside of the book as it opens. This can cause a noticeable shadow issue, which cou ...

Setting location of Child Actor inside of OnConstruct causes the ChildActor to leave behind non-referenced instances

UE - Gameplay - Feb 10, 2016

If the ChildActorComponent on a mesh is attached to a component and then has its location set in the OnConstruct function, it'll leave behind non-referenced instances of itself. This is most apparen ...

PakBlacklist does not seem to be excluding files properly

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Feb 10, 2016

The pak-blacklist files do not seem to be working fully. While some of the files may be excluded Engine/Content/Slate files are staying behind, which can be seen once you've used UnrealPak ...

Modulated Shadows on IOS cause flickering on Skeletal Meshes

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 10, 2016

Modulated shadows are not functioning properly on IOS devices for skeletal meshes. Any skeletal meshes in the scene will cast a shadow, but have a flickering modulated shadow on the skeletal mesh as ...