Liftoff caused by root motion may leave a Character in walking movement for customized project

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jan 31, 2024

If a Character has active root motion while walking (animation root motion OR a Root Motion Source), and this root motion causes vertical motion that "lifts off", it's possible for the Character to ...

Groom couldn't be rendered into ObjectID pass through MRQ

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 30, 2024

Raise the issue here since also other Developers met the same problem and reported to me. Object ID rendering for Groom is working in previous version(5.0 for example) ...

Error with variable during blueprint compile when selecting and deselecting widget name in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 29, 2024

Selecting/deselecting the name of the widget on the UMG Designer will detect bleuprint changes. If compile blueprint at this time, it will output an error "due to old pin". The widget name has not a ...

After breaking a level instance without Actor Folders, moving its actors between folders of the world-partition map does not work correctly

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Jan 29, 2024

If a standard level (without Actor Folders enabled) is added to a world-partition map (with Actor Folders enabled) as a Level Instance, and then that instance is "broken" so that its actors are inco ...

[Audio Insights] - Insights continues to display virtual sounds after they have stopped being active

UE - Audio - Audio Insights - Jan 27, 2024

Virtual loops continue to be displayed in Audio Insights even after the sound has stopped being active for certain cases. This also occurs when stopping PIE while a sound is virtual. The sound will ...

FlushPressedKeys doesn't clear EventAccumulators, resulting in stale data

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 26, 2024

From the user:  The root of the problem appears to be that KeyState.EventAccumulator still has events stored in the structure for 'LeftAlt'. So, although UPlayerInput::FlushInput is called when the ...

GameplayEffects: Inherited UAssetTags and UTargetTags do not update their referenced tags correctly with inheritance

UE - Gameplay - Jan 25, 2024

When inherited, it is reasonable to expect the tags added by the parent to be reflected in the children. If the parent is editted after the children, however, tags that are added or deleted are not ...

Crash when using Property Access node on Animation Blueprint (repro based on Lyra Starter Game animation layers)

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 24, 2024

When using the Property Access node on Animation Blueprints to gain performance by better exploring parallel processing, it is possible that the underlying accessed property or any intermediate acce ...