Rotating a static mesh makes it slightly smaller

UE - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2017

If a static mesh is rotated 180 degrees, it is made slightly smaller than it usually is. There are some other degrees that can give the same effect without the shrinking, such as 540. Regression?: ...

Vectorized and Non-Vectorized FTransform Accumulate are inconsistent with Blendweights

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 11, 2017

The vectorized version of FTransform::Accumulate and FTransform::AccumulateWithAdditiveScale3D only blend the rotation, but not the translation or scale. This is divergent behavior from the non-vec ...

Making the viewport fullscreen while Application scale is a value other than 1.0 results in a zoomed in/out viewport

Tools - Jan 11, 2017

When using Application Scale in the editor, using F11 to make the viewport fullscreen results in an either zoomed in or zoomed out fullscreen version. Note: This same issue occurs when using a comb ...

'Enable Physics Interaction' Not Preventing Character From Interacting With Physics Objects

UE - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2017

When running a dedicated server using the Run Dedicated Server checkbox under the Play button dropdown, character's with Enable Physics Interaction set to false are still able to interact with physi ...

Lighting data wiped if sub level is hidden while rebuilding lighting for visible levels

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2017

When building lighting now you can no longer have a hidden sub level and have it retain it's built light if it was previously built. For instance, if you have a persistent level and hide the sub-lev ...

Blueprint Const Function Allows Array Clear

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 11, 2017

Attempting to clear an array in a const function returns no compiler error in blueprints. If you create the same setup in C++ using a const function, an error is returning upon compiling as expected ...

The Nativize Blueprint Assets option causes C++ collision components to ignore their extents set in a blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jan 11, 2017

Using the Nativize Blueprint Assets option can cause the extents of a collision component defined in code and inherited by blueprints to use its default values in a packaged build instead of the ext ...

Capsule collision replication issue

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 10, 2017

Increasing the Capsule Half Height size of a Capsule Component of a Character class in a multiplayer game results in other clients getting inaccurate (jittery) collision when colliding against meshe ...

Skeletal Meshes with cloth disappear when at the edge of the viewport

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 10, 2017

Skeletal meshes with cloth will disappear at the edge of the viewport. If timed right (hard to repro, you can see it flicker repeatedly. ...

Scrollbar in Details Panel Changes Size/Speed when Moved

Tools - Jan 10, 2017

The user describes this issue as [the Scrollbar] "resizes when it is moved. Sometimes it even starts to flicker for one frame ( showing a very long scroll bar )." "This looks and feels very weird . ...