Anchor text can be scaled via the scale box. The scaling for the anchors of widget can be affect if placed in a scale box ...
UE4.9.1 under Editor Preference3s ->Experimental -> Cooking it says "Iterative cooking for builds launched [form] the editor." Correction: [from] ...
When setting the LODbias via the device profile for a specific Android GPU it does not appear to have an affect on the textures when run on the device ...
Attempting to use the Editor with a 32:9 Ultrawide monitor (5120x1440) causes the ratio sizes to be multiplied by 868.000000. ...
Using the "Automatic" option to compress animation results in crash 100% in UE4.10 but does not occur in UE4.9.2. *Regression ...
A user reported a problem that started occurring with 4.10 and didn't occur in 4.9.2 (Was unable to get a project in 4.9.2 and thus unable to confirm his claims, therefore I'm not marking this as a ...
Local Variable loses value after reference moves file locations. This does not just affect construction scripts, following these steps with a function instead produced the same result. This issue do ...
Creating a landscape grass type and then pressing the + to add an element crashes the editor. Frequency: 2/2 Crashreporter: not currently available ...
The firing sound in the Twin Stick Shooter template on the Linux machine does not have a constant tempo. The firing sound changes between evenly spaced sounds and closely spaced sounds. I do not se ...
When the First Person Template is deployed to a Nexus 9 using ES31, there is an extreme magenta color over the screen. Disabling post process reduces the bloom, but there is still major color artif ...