Duplicating functions doesn't reset the GUIDs of local variables.

UE - Gameplay - Jun 15, 2023

This is actually a bug with function duplication via UEdGraphSchema_K2::DuplicateGraph. After a function graph is duplicated, the function entry node still retains the same GUIDs for its local vari ...

Expose atlas parameter to CurveAtlasRowParameter node as well

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 12, 2023

This has been spotted and notified by a UDN user through case [Link Removed] The CurveAtlasRowParameter node exposes the Curve parameter to be overridden in derived Material Instances but not the A ...

After attach a component to a simulated component by socket miss collisions

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 9, 2023

If attaches a StaticMeshComponent with collision active to another actor with a SkeletalMeshComponent simulating physics by socket name the StaticMeshComponent miss collision for simulation. Chec ...

Third person camera lag issue for vehicle in multiplayer

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 9, 2023

There's a vehicle/third person camera stutter observed as the vehicle corners. The issue appears worse with Physics Async mode enabled, and less perceptible with this mode disabled. This video was ...

Enhanced Input duplicately fires input event when used in Widgets.

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jun 9, 2023

When creating a UserWidget and creating a process to receive input events with Enhanced Input, input events may be generated multiple times in duplicate. To reproduce this problem, create a Widget a ...

Media Plate Actor becomes blacked out when set to Spawnable in a Level Sequencer

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Jun 7, 2023

saving a media plate actor set to spawnable in a level sequence causes the media plate actor to become black. there are two known workarounds 1. toggling the Media plate to Possessable, and Spawnabl ...

Check in SetNetPushIdDynamic fails when deriving object from class with no replicated properties

UE - Networking - Jun 5, 2023

UHT will only emit the REPLICATED_BASE_CLASS macro and set the NeedsPushModelHeaders flag when the class has replicated properties. If a base class doesn't have any replicated properties, it will le ...

Long thin spinning objects take too long to stop spinning

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Jun 5, 2023

See the SpinningObjectStability test map in the Physics Sandbox. [Link Removed] It's not clear if this is a bug or a side effect of some of our solver shortcuts (e.g., omission of the precession te ...

Objects without custom delta properties can return false for CanSkipUpdate with net.PushModelSkipUndirtiedReplication enabled

UE - Networking - Jun 5, 2023

This seems to occur after receiving a Nak for certain actors. FObjectReplicator::ReceivedNak will decrement SendingRepState.CustomDeltaChangeIndex even if the object has no custom delta properties. ...