Skeletal animations are finalized at the end of recording, and expect the actor to still be around, but actors can despawn during recording leading to a crash. ...
The high-res tiling method checks for the exposure method specified on the camera, and forces it to Manual exposure if it's not already there. It shouldn't force this if the project settings have al ...
RTWriteMask shaders were using incorrect array bindings, causing visual artifacts. ...
When a character is playing an animation that contains rotational root motion and that character is placed on a moving actor, an invalid translation component is introduced to the worldspace positio ...
Anim sequence re import factory is not overriding correctly the settings when we pass the override UFbxImportUI asset. It still use the original import data ...
Looks like this was introduced as part of PR#5337 [Link Removed]. It forces bProcessFeedback to always be true regardless of the paused state. ...
This was found as a result of Licensees doing a Code Review of the Engine code. Here's the code snippet in question. It seems to be missing a line similar to Vertex->TangentY = InTangentY;.: int32 ...
Since a player controller only exists on the server and on the owning client, calling a multicast from one isn't really a supported operation. However, this case is still handled cleanly when RepGra ...
In C++, a replicated property's RepNotify function can include a parameter that represents the property's value before the new replicated value was applied. In blueprints, RepNotify functions are no ...
This issue is not present in 4.25.4 You can also avoid the problem if the LoopBehavior of the EmitterState is Multiple and LoopDelay is enabled. [Image Removed] It seems to be a binding of certai ...