Incorrect translation from matinee move sub tracks to sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 6, 2016 ...

Migration from 4.12.5 to 4.13 can result in Blueprint functions losing input/ouput variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 5, 2016

When migrating project from 4.12.5 to 4.13, Blueprint functions can lose input/output variable links. ...

Data entry field for blueprint Array Add is uneditable until the Add is copy and pasted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 5, 2016

Data entry field for blueprint Array Add is uneditable until the Add is copy and pasted, this also occurs if you add an array via right click Array and then link a variable to the array ...

Blueprint CanJump node will return true once after current jumps is over max jumps and never return true again

UE - Gameplay - Sep 5, 2016

CanJump Blueprint node will return true for 1 jump after "MaxJumps" and if this happens, will never return true again, even after Character has landed and CurrentJumps has reset. ...

Access violation when calling Stop + SetSequence from Event set in Event Track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 5, 2016

When using the Event Track to call an event in the Level Blueprint that stops a LevelSequence and then assigns that LevelSequence from another will result in an Access Violation. ...

Sequence recording in standalone crashes

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 5, 2016

We use GetEditorWorldCounterpartActor in the sequence recorder which cant work in standalone builds as it relies on GEditor. The best fix would probably be to just add a guard for GEditor to GetEdit ...

Writing to a file on Android doesn't update the tracked file length

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 2, 2016

Statfile writing seeks to the length of the file between writing new data. The cached length of the file isn't updated when written to when the file length increases so it keeps going to the origin ...

Reroute nodes break Cached Poses in AnimBPs

OLD - Anim - Sep 2, 2016

Reroute nodes break Cached Poses in Animation Blueprints Regression: This does not occur in 4.12 ...