When open the persona editor only the first time, the OnAnimChanged event is called with the argument none asset

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 14, 2023

OnAnimChanged did not seem to work correctly only the first time when opening the anim sequence and a PreviewScene was created. The OnAnimChanged event is supposed to notify which anim was changed, ...

Upgrade View and Work range scripting functions precision from float to double

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 11, 2023

The view and work range scripting functions use float values for their seconds, which leads to precision issues, as these values are stored as doubles.  ...

AdditionalPluginDirectories: Cooking a plugin as DLC stores files in the wrong location and fails to correctly stage

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Aug 11, 2023

A project can add paths in AdditionalProjectDirectories to specify directories other than <UERoot>\Engine\Plugins or <ProjectRoot>\Plugins that contain plugins. But when adding a plugin in one of t ...

bIgnoreAllPressedKeysUntilRelease behaves differently for triggers in EnhancedInputAction and triggers in InputMappingContext

UE - Gameplay - Input - Aug 10, 2023

For actions that are triggered on the Input mapping context, simply adding or removing an InputMappingContext with no related key override with the bIgnoreAllPressedKeysUntilRelease option will caus ...

[AI] Assertion in UAISense_Sight::RemoveAllQueriesToTarget

UE - AI - Perception - Aug 10, 2023

Licensee reports that while aggressively despawning AI there are occasional assertions for attempting to acquire write access to QueriesListAccessDetector when RemoveAllQueriesToTarget is executed f ...

Crash when removing mesh and undoing in Character Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 9, 2023

When removing a mesh from a Character BP and undoing the engine will crash. This issue is occurring in //UE5/Release-5.3 @ CL 26560699 This issue is NOT occurring in //UE5/Release-5.2 @ CL 2600198 ...

PlayerStart in LevelInstance are not loaded early enough in PIE as Standalone/Listen

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Aug 8, 2023

Non-spatially loaded actors in a Level Instance are not embedded properly when entering PIE. This issue does not happen in a cooked build. ...

GAS: AbilitySystem.DebugAttribute crashes client when server added runtime constructed GEs

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Aug 8, 2023

In a networked PIE session, when the server has applied a programmatically constructed GameplayEffect that has duration policy = Infinite or HasDuration, this results in a client crash when the clie ...

Renaming a shot through the shot track does not rename the underlying sequence asset

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 7, 2023

Renaming a shot through the shot track does not change the name of the underlying asset, and causes it to no longer match when looking for takes ...

Crash on map change with non-null values for GPropertyColorationClass and request customizable property coloration color

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Aug 7, 2023

This was found by a customer through a UDN, and they offered the fix for it, as well. The basic steps to reproduce the crash are as follows:call GEditor->SetPropertyColorationTarget(...) somewhere i ...