Crash when Taking Screenshots with Ansel Plugin using Certain Capture Types

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 5, 2017

A crash occurs when using the Ansel screen capture plugin. Some of the crashes are actually silent crashes and the editor becomes unresponsive, but does not produce a Crash Report Dialog window. Ot ...

Cannot change the Strength value on a Physics Constraint in the Viewport Details panel

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 5, 2017

Cannot change the Strength value on a Physics Constraint to anything other than the default value in the Viewport Details panel. When changed the editor will pause and replace the value with — This ...

Ensure when Updating Source of Pose Asset in Persona

UE - Gameplay - Jan 5, 2017

This does not occur in 4.14.2 at CL 3241561 ...

Editor Crash with corrupted asset when opening within level or via the content browser.

Tools - Jan 5, 2017

Editor will crash when a skeletal mesh has been added to a level and then reopening the project later if you try and access this level. If you attempt to open the skel meshes in the content browser ...

Ensure When Setting Simulate Physics of a Child Actor on the Server and Forcing NetUpdate

UE - Networking - Jan 5, 2017

An ensure is being triggered when you set simulate physics on a child actor on the server and then force net update. Found in 4.14.2 CL# 3241561. Reproduced in 4.16 Main CL#3247538 ...

Calling FAudioDevice::StopAllSounds from UEngine::CommitMapChange asserts

UE - Audio - Jan 5, 2017

Per The audio threading work missed a case where an audio thread only function was being called fro ...

Root Motion is broken in Additive Animations and causes scale issues

OLD - Anim - Jan 5, 2017

Root Motion is broken in Additive Animations. Also causes scale issues Regression: YES Worked: 3039270 (4.12.5) Broken: 3172292 (4.13.2) ...

Capsule Collision component has incorrect physics collision when rotated

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 5, 2017

Capsule Collision component has incorrect physics collision when rotated. This only seems to happen when the Capsule Collision is a child of another component that is simulating physics. If the pare ...

Suspend Clothing Simulation doesn't work when running from Construction Script

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 5, 2017

If the user sets up Suspend Clothing Simulation in the Construction Script of a blueprint, it will not work when playing. It will work if setup in the Event Graph on Begin Play. ...

Editor Crashes when importing some FBXs with multiple Material IDs in 4.14.2

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jan 5, 2017

This is a regression in behavior between 4.14.1 and 4.14.2! The editor will crash when importing FBX meshes that have multiple material ID assignments. If it's a single material ID it will import w ...