Mesh reduction modules selection aren't properly applied on engine restart

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - May 4, 2023

Recent changes in the MeshReductionManagerModule::StartupModule() have introduced issues where it won't respect what reduction modules have been set in the config file. This is a big issue for plugi ...

Skeletal mesh bones cannot be selected in the viewport of the IK Retargeter

UE - Anim - Rigging - Retargeting - May 2, 2023

Skeletal mesh bones cannot be selected in the viewport of the IK Retargeter. They can still be selected via the bone name hierarchy. Reproduces in the following://UE5/Release-5.1 CL 2390901//UE5/Re ...

City Sample - Parked Cars, Traffic, and Crowds do not spawn while in PIE

UE - AI - Mass - May 1, 2023

Repro Rate 10/10 Issue is a Regression as it doesn't occur in 5.1 Parked Cars, Traffic, and Crowds spawn in as expected when launching the project in Game Mode or a Packaged Build Going into the ...

Orthographic Rendering - Lumen Reflection Artefacts

UE - Rendering Architecture - Apr 28, 2023

Crash after generating HLODs for approximated meshes that have all triangles culled

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Apr 26, 2023

The crash occurs when FWorldPartitionHLODUtilities::BuildHLOD attempts to build an approximated mesh that has all of its contents culled during generation, this can happen when an approximated mesh ...

Foliage instances don't move with a static mesh when it is shared between two foliage actors

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Apr 26, 2023

From Licensee: The bug comes from the call of the function `FoliagePartitioningUtils::Update` in the method `AInstancedFoliageActor::MoveInstancesForMovedComponent`. When the function `FoliageParti ...

Rendering sequence with livelink data has issues with smooth engine offset

UE - Virtual Production - IO - LiveLink - Apr 26, 2023

[Link Removed] for reference Playing back a sequence shouldn't have buffered samples. We should have a single one, which was built from the sequence. We need to make sure when played back that it ...

Crash when calling UPoseableMeshComponent::CopyPoseFromSkeletalComponent() from Actor's Tick while unregistering

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 26, 2023

Under certain conditions, it appears that the function UPoseableMeshComponent::CopyPoseFromSkeletalComponent may crash because the BoneSpaceTransforms obtained from the source component are empty, p ...

Orientation Warping is rotating the mesh incorrectly on listen servers

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Apr 26, 2023

See UDN for details: [Link Removed] ...

RPCs can still be called on torn off actors

UE - Networking - Apr 25, 2023

Because UNetDriver::ProcessRemoteFunction does not check if the actor has been torn off, it's possible for the server to send a RPC for a torn off actor if it still exists on the server and client. ...