Static meshes do not snap to meshes created from bsp brushes, despite being turned into static meshes themselves. They instead snap to the next lowest mesh on the z axis. ...
Using the 'Hidden in Game' option in the Tilemap Editor does not hide the associated layers in game as expected. I tested this issue in 4.8.3, 4.9.2, and 4.10 Preview 2 binary releases and the issu ...
State Machines are re-initialized from entry after playing a Montage This is a Regression: Does not occur in 4.11 ...
When a skeletal mesh is set to simulate physics, using the Set World Location node to set the world location of the mesh does not seem to be working. Turning simulate physics off causes the mesh to ...
Ctrl+Alt selection drag inside to outside of Matinee window will crash the editor Reproduced in Releases stream 2982080 as well, to verify that this wasn't the same bug as https://jira.ol.epicgames ...
SpringArm causes physics to fail for a character standing on the physics object User Description: I am updating my marketplace content for 4.11 using preview 7 build (EDIT: RECHECKED WITH PREVIEW ...
Using the Show Mouse Cursor command (or BP node) will make the mouse appear in the game window however at that point the mouse does not interact with the game unless one of the mouse buttons is held ...
When applying a dbuffer decal to a surface with a small axis value for the decals size it will flicker. Attached gif to demonstrate. Reproducible in: 4.11 P8 CL-2916259 Dev-Main CL-2922677 ...
When using a struct in a blueprint, if you go into that struct and alter the default values of one of the variables, any pins that were used relating to that variable are disconnected in blueprints. ...
Asset selection menu tooltips can overlap the dropdown menu. It is using the Content Browser tooltips, which attempt to go down and to the right of the menu. However, if the menu is close enough t ...