Attached Actors in the World Outliner are Becoming Unattached Upon Changing and Compiling the Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 14, 2016

Making a change in a blueprint and then compiling it causes any actors that are attached to it to become unattached. ...

Flow indicators between sound cue links don't update unless the mouse cursor is moved

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 14, 2016

The orange flow indicator that appears won't update graphically if there is no user input so if you Play an audio cue and don't move your mouse you won't get realtime feedback of what is going in. ...

Hot Reloading from IDE fails

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 13, 2016

Building from VS causes the compilation to fail. (Have not had the opportunity to check XCode yet, investigating) Found in //UE4/Dev-Core @ 3048370 Currently occurs in //UE4/Main @ 3049508Severity ...

Add 'restart editor' popup when changing 'enable UV from hit result'

UE - Gameplay - Jul 13, 2016

The Support UV From Hit Results flag in Project Settings does not take effect until the user restarts the editor. Enabling this doesn't let the user know that they have to restart the editor. ...

"Override Game Mode" only works with "Use Separate Process" enabled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 13, 2016

Override Game Mode only works when Using Separate Process ...

Actor Hidden in Game does not take lighting into account any longer

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 13, 2016

Using indirect lighting from bounce cards that are set to Actor Hidden in Game no longer generate indirect lighting for the scene. This is a regression of 4.11.2 where this worked but is no longer ...

Log Warning: LogRender:Warning: Missmatch between bShouldGenerateLowQualityLightmaps(0) and r.SupportLowQualityLightmaps(1)

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 13, 2016

The issue occurs in //UE4/Main as well. This issue can be easily seen by opening any project at latest. It has been observed in new projects both with and without starter content. ...

Crash Occurring in FD3D11DynamicRHIModule::FindAdapter()

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 13, 2016

Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 804] Array index out of bounds: 1 from an array of size 1 Source Context: 352 353 // We a ...

NonSpawnable actors on a sublevel do not animate via sequencer when being added to the level via create instance

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 13, 2016

NonSpawnable actors on a sublevel do not animate via sequencer when being added to the level via create instance. The difference between the cube and sphere is that the cube is set to spawnable in t ...

Foliage Paint Brush present when interacting with UI

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 13, 2016