Crash Occurs When Duplicating Static Mesh with Foliage Placed on it

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Mar 10, 2016

When duplicating an actor that has foliage placed on it (i.e. the table in the basic level with starter content), the editor will crash. Found in 4.11 Preview 7. Reproduced in Main CL 2894512 Thi ...

Copy/paste of multiple components does not preserve component names or attachment hierarchy

OLD - Enterprise - Mar 9, 2016

Copy/pasting scene components between blueprints loses: 1. The component name. 2. The parent/child hierarchy. It keeps the offsets, which is helpful. [image: Inline image 1] ...

Linux editor splash screen does not show Unreal Editor

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 9, 2016

The title text for the editor's splash screen displays the text 'EDITOR' in a small font that is not bold. I do not see this issue on Windows. REGRESSION: Yes Worked: 2824270 Broken: 2891838 ...

Mouse Position Lags behind Cursor in Editor if Framerate Drops

Tools - Mar 9, 2016

Mouse position lags behind cursor in editor if framerate drops. This can be especially problematic for individuals who quickly select assets as the mouse position may lag behind the cursor location ...

SButton does not release mouse capture if it becomes disabled before MouseUp event occurs

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 8, 2016

It appears that if a slate widget becomes disabled, the MouseUp events won't fire. As a side effect, a mouse capture will not be released if something causes the button to become disabled before the ...

Android crash a couple minutes into StrategyGame

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 8, 2016

This didn't occur on iOS; so far this has only been tested in StrategyGame The device this occurred on was Nexus5X_6713_Adreno 418, 6.0.1 It did not occur on: iPad Mini 4_6242, 9.2.103-08 14:12:0 ...

Static Mesh Component Scale Displays Incorrect Values on Static Meshes as Scene Roots

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2016

Static mesh components incorrectly display scale information through the Detail's Pane and Blueprint editor window until simulation is pressed. This occurs if the static mesh component is moved to t ...

Attempting to Duplicate an Asset Copied to a New Folder Spawns the Original Asset

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2016

Copying an asset into a new folder, placing an instance of the copy into the level, and then attempting to duplicate that copy by using CTRL+W in the viewport creates another instance of the origina ...

Cannot Dynamically Spawn Actor Containing Overlapping Child Actor Components

UE - Gameplay - Mar 8, 2016

Blueprints containing child actor components that are overlapping in the blueprint's viewport cannot be used as the default pawn, as they are not spawned in. Using the Spawn Actor From Class node wo ...

Cannot Undo Blueprint Nodes Placed Using Shortcuts

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2016

Nodes that are placed using shortcuts (ex. B+LMB for a branch node) cannot be undone using CTRL+Z. Found in 4.10.4 binary. Reproduced in 4.11 Preview 6 binary and Main CL 2894512. ...