Crash on inputting Scalar Value in Grass Material Node

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 6, 2015

Crash occurs when inputting a Scalar Parameter into the New to 4,8 Grass Node. Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2535351 ...

Jump Animation for FPS template character breaks on land

OLD - Anim - May 6, 2015

When jumping in the first person template project, the "is in air" animation continues to play after landing. Solution: Switching out the "FirstPerson_JumpStart Asset" node for the "FirstPerson_J ...

Inherited components in Child Blueprints cannot be dragged into the Event Graph to access their variables

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 6, 2015

Inherited components in Child Blueprints cannot be dragged into the Event Graph to access their variables. Searching for the Getter in the Event Graph works as expected. This seems inconsistent with ...

Printing the result of the 'Get Move Ignore Actors' node will crash the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 6, 2015

Printing the result of the 'Get Move Ignore Actors' node will crash the editor. The Licensee found the issue while exploring a workaround for this JIRA: ...

Linker errors when deriving from ADecalActor in game

UE - Gameplay - May 6, 2015

Cannot derive from ADecalActor in your game modules as not all of the functions are exposed and you get linker errors. ...

Re-enable rendering categories on UMaterialBillboardComponent

UE - Gameplay - May 5, 2015

Looks like the thread died in IM. I think we should re-enable the categories that were removed in 4.6. ...

Cannot Set Visibility for a 3D widget component that is applied to Screen space

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 5, 2015

User Can hide a 3D widget component that is in world space. However, if they use a widget component that has been switched to Screen space this is no longer possible. List of ways that do not work ...

Android audio is still audible at 0 volume

UE - Audio - May 4, 2015

Android audio uses -30 dB as minimum volume but it should be lower. ...

Add Particle System Component Template Context not functioning

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 4, 2015

Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2535351 In the Add Particle System Component node, there is a Component Template Context input which does not seem to function and establish a template for the ...

Replicated variables defined in Actor Component blueprints do not actually replicate

UE - Networking - May 1, 2015

Replicated properties defined in an actor component blueprint are not being replicated because UActorComponent::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps isn't adding the blueprint properties to the OutLifetimePro ...