Blackboard keys in hierarchies do not get updated on editor changes to parent BB asset

UE - AI - Apr 15, 2015

Editor-time changes to parent BB asset do not get propagated to derived BB assets. ...

PerceptionSystem crashing on removing a listener as part of DestroyActor call

UE - AI - Apr 14, 2015

User reported a crash in UAISense_Hearing::OnListenerRemovedImpl when perception listener is being removed as a response to DestroyActor call. ...

Transitions broken after deleting a state and hitting undo

OLD - Anim - Apr 14, 2015

In a State Machine, deleting a state and hitting undo causes any transitions that were attached to that state to become broken. They appear as the circular transition node icons, but aren't connect ...

Crash in Persona when adding Notifies

OLD - Anim - Apr 14, 2015

REOPENED NOTES: Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Test Project: [Link Removed] Open project and press Play: Editor will crash. User reports this being due to sequential animations not being the sam ...

Ignore Base Actor Rotation set to false continues to ignore base actor rotation

UE - Gameplay - Apr 14, 2015

Setting Ignore Base Actor Rotation to false continues to ignore base actor rotation when standing on an object that is spinning. ...

Changing the Root of a reparented Blueprint crashes the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 14, 2015

Changing the Root of a reparented Blueprint crashes the editor with no Crash Reporter dialogue. Log from 4.7.5 attached. Reproduced in 4.7.5 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2507843) ...

Selecting Auto Convex Collision crashes the editor

UE - Platform - Linux - Apr 13, 2015

In the static mesh editor, choosing the Auto Convex Collision from the Collision drop toolbar and selecting apply will immediately crash the engine. ...

Moving an InstancedStaticMesh will not move meshes collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 10, 2015

Moving an instanced static mesh will not move the collision along with the mesh. This will leave a visible mesh that players can walk through in one area and a blank space that cannot be walked thro ...

MAC: Crash on startup

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 10, 2015

"MacBook pro 13 2015 with yosemite 10.10.3 just crashed after launching ue4." The problem is that the recently introduced calls to IsRHIDeviceNVIDIA occur before the Mac code sets the GRHIVendorID ...

Landscape corruption in editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 10, 2015

Two licensees are reporting visible landscape corruption when opening their level in the editor, which goes away after various actions - opening the landscape editor or building geometry. PIE / game ...