FCanvasTriangle Item not accepting information from material Vertex Color

UE - Gameplay - Jul 15, 2015

From a Draw Material Triangle you cannot use a Material calling vertex color and the provided Vertex Color Pins to yield color on the HUD drawn triangle. It will always appear White. [Image Remove ...

Some animation transition graphs are marked as "read only" and can't be edited

OLD - Anim - Jul 15, 2015

When opening ThirdPersonAnimBlueprint (found in QAGame), there are some transitions that are marked as read only and cannot be edited. I talked to the person who made this anim blueprint, and he do ...

Audio Components ignoring Start Time set by Play node on Android

UE - Audio - Jul 15, 2015

Setting the start time within the Play node for an audio component does not function when deploying to Android. The set up works fine when playing on the PC, and the sound functions on the Android ...

Destructible Event OnComponentFracture fires multiple times when Debris flag is enabled.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 15, 2015

When using a Destructible that is using the Event OnComponentFracture and the flags for Debris timeout/max separation and Debris Enabled will cause the event to fire for each chunk removed from the ...

Material stats incorrectly flag 17/16 samplers even if GL4 allows 32

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 15, 2015

From AnswerHub: Utilising 128 textures in a material does not work in Linux, its still limited to 16 (actual 12) on OpenGL platforms, I looked at the commit that implemented it and I don't see anyth ...

Scaling Radius of capsule collision components fudges it

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jul 14, 2015

add a capsule component to a blueprint, and scrub the "radius" value with your mouse till it's as high as it can go. If you exceed the half-height value, your capsule is now totally fudged until yo ...

Setting the Camera Modifier to 'None' crashes the editor

UE - Gameplay - Jul 14, 2015

The PlayerCameraManager will cause the engine to crash if you set the first element to 'none' under the Camera Modifier. ...

Material Function Warning: Only transparent or postprocess materials can read from scene depth.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 14, 2015

In a material function, after adding a scene depth node and applying it to the Output Result node a warning pops up. This warning is Only transparent or postprocess materials can read from scene dep ...

The Dynamic setting for the Nav Mesh generation causes a large dip in frame rates

UE - AI - Jul 14, 2015

When using a fairly large level the Dynamic setting for the Nav mesh generation can cause large drops in frame rates. (Example: 120 fps when running Dynamic with Modifiers only to 42 fps with Dynami ...

Auto-Reimport Dialog cannot be dismissed

Tools - Jul 14, 2015

If you have set your project to Auto Import Assets from a certain folder and are connected to Source Control, you will get a pop up warning message which states: "We noticed that your auto-reimport ...