If a hot reload is performed after adding a custom UserDefinedEnum class to the project, the Editor will crash.

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 17, 2015

Performing a hot reload in the Editor after adding a custom UserDefinedEnum C++ class to a project results in a crash. A normal compile in Visual Studio will complete successfully. ...

Serialization to archive corrupts data

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 16, 2015

Values stored inside variables becomes corrupted after creating an FBufferArchive variable (FBufferVar), setting FBufferVar.ArForceByteSwapping = true; and then storing the original value in FBuffer ...

Actor created with same name as existing/destroyed actor is missing native subobjects

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 12, 2015

When spawning a pawn that has a PawnMovementComponent attached and destroying the pawn, if a pawn with the same name is re-created it will be missing the PawnMovementComponent. ...

Garbage Collection crash on Compile attempt

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 6, 2015

Attempting to compile anything in the editor (blueprint, widget, level bp, etc) will cause the editor to crash. Project Link: [Link Removed] Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Note This has only been ...

Behavior of configuration file hierarchy is different from document

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 6, 2015

Licensee reported behavior of configuration file hierarchy is different form document here (https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Basics/ConfigurationFiles/index.html) Doc: 1. Engine ...

Crashreporter.exe does not appear in packaged projects

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2015

Crash Reporter does not get packaged with development build projects when they have "Include Crash Reporter" set to true in packaging options. ...

Memory Leak occurring when switching between levels in Standalone

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 29, 2015

A memory leak seems to occur when switching between levels multiple times. This is being monitored by memreport full ...

Specifying a custom UMovementComponent class via SetDefaultSubobjectClass() does not seem to serialize default value edits correctly on the CDO.

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 28, 2015

Possibly some sort of issue related to SetDefaultSubobjectClass() rather than UMovementComponent specifically. I was able to reproduce in 4.10 release branch and in //UE4/Main with the test project ...

Memory usage spike during PIE doesn't reduce after play session

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 28, 2015

When opening the editor the memory usage jumps during PIE. After exiting PIE the memory use does not go back down. ...

Log files missing exact error message and full stack trace after crash

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 26, 2015

When compared to the information provided by the Crash Report window, the log files are not as detailed about what caused the crash. ...