Cannot choose attachment bone for child components in C++

UE - Gameplay - Jun 4, 2015

Cannot choose attachment bone for child components in C++ We have a user attempting to parent a mesh to a skeletal mesh, but he cannot attach to a specific bone on the parent causing everything tha ...

Sweep on Set Actor Location is ignored for all components that aren't the Blueprint's root

UE - Gameplay - May 28, 2015

Sweep on Set Actor Location is ignored for all components that aren't the Blueprint's root. Reproduced in 4.7.6 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2568226) ...

Project crashes when exiting mobile preview

UE - Gameplay - May 27, 2015

User project crashes when exiting from mobile preview. Frequency: 5/5 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] ...

Using Start Players as Spectators checkbox does not affect Player0

UE - Gameplay - May 20, 2015

When setting up a custom game mode blueprint, if the "Start Players as Spectators" checkbox is checked the first player loaded in PIE will not be in spectator mode. ...

When using seamless travel in combination with the console command "Server Travel LevelName" Event End play nodes do not get a chance to fire off

UE - Gameplay - May 20, 2015

Licensee was having trouble removing widgets from the viewport on End play in the HUD blueprint. They were using Seamless travel for their game mode and they were changing levels with the console co ...

Overlap trigger on Event Begin Play doesn't work after converting project from 4.7.6 to 4.8 P2

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2015

Overlap trigger on Event Begin Play doesn't work after converting project from 4.7.6 to 4.8 P2. The user thought this was related to using Custom collision object types but it is reproducible with ...

Vehicle does not create an overlap event in 4.8 preview 2

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2015

If the user places a trigger volume into the level and then drives the car into it the over lap event will not trigger ...

Code classes that include a CableComponent cannot be built in Visual Studio without making a modification to the CableComponent.h file in source code.

UE - Gameplay - May 14, 2015

Adding a cable component to a custom code class will result in a build failure in Visual Studio unless the Cable Component's source code is modified to include CABLECOMPONENT_API. ANSWERHUB:https:/ ...

"Play" node does not restart the animation when triggered

UE - Gameplay - May 13, 2015

"Play" node in the Blueprint Editor does not restart the animation when it is triggered. Problem crops up when somebody wants to replay the animation assigned to the skeletal mesh more than once. ...

The Get Overlap Infos is not very descriptive and some data is not being exposed

UE - Gameplay - May 13, 2015

The Get Overlap Infos is not very descriptive and some data is not being exposed. It's not clear what this node should be returning, and there isn't much that can be done with the return currently. ...