Vehicle does not create an overlap event in 4.8 preview 2

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2015

If the user places a trigger volume into the level and then drives the car into it the over lap event will not trigger ...

Code classes that include a CableComponent cannot be built in Visual Studio without making a modification to the CableComponent.h file in source code.

UE - Gameplay - May 14, 2015

Adding a cable component to a custom code class will result in a build failure in Visual Studio unless the Cable Component's source code is modified to include CABLECOMPONENT_API. ANSWERHUB:https:/ ...

"Play" node does not restart the animation when triggered

UE - Gameplay - May 13, 2015

"Play" node in the Blueprint Editor does not restart the animation when it is triggered. Problem crops up when somebody wants to replay the animation assigned to the skeletal mesh more than once. ...

The Get Overlap Infos is not very descriptive and some data is not being exposed

UE - Gameplay - May 13, 2015

The Get Overlap Infos is not very descriptive and some data is not being exposed. It's not clear what this node should be returning, and there isn't much that can be done with the return currently. ...

Using a user generated timeline in blueprint causes an exception in engine code.

UE - Gameplay - May 13, 2015

This crash is caused by an exception that is thrown due to the functions inside of a blueprint based off a user-defined class that is suppose to mimic Timelines. ...

Cannot change collision on child components of blueprint in Details Pane

UE - Gameplay - May 12, 2015

The child component of a blueprint cannot have their collision altered through the details pane of the main editor viewport if the child component is a sphere. All changes must occur in the blueprin ...

Spawning a bp, setting the location, and simulating physics in one string will cause the Set Actor Location node to be ignored

UE - Gameplay - May 8, 2015

Spawning a bp, setting the location, and simulating physics in one string will cause the Set Actor Location node to be ignored User Description: One is if you spawn a physics actor which has simu ...

Instance Static Meshes spawned at Runtime do not have collision

UE - Gameplay - May 8, 2015

Spawning an Instance Static Mesh at runtime does not have collision. This issue appears only in 4.8 Preview 1 and the 4.8 Release branch (tested on CL-2540862), but is fixed in Main Branch as of Ma ...

Eject camera (and ToggleDebugCamera) do not have full look controls in the Topdown template

UE - Gameplay - May 7, 2015

The Eject camera (and ToggleDebugCamera) do not have full look controls in the Topdown template.In 4.7.6 the look is limited in both cameras by the mouse movement.In Main, both are limited as mentio ...

Linker errors when deriving from ADecalActor in game

UE - Gameplay - May 6, 2015

Cannot derive from ADecalActor in your game modules as not all of the functions are exposed and you get linker errors. ...