Objects with physics enabled do not show up in 4.7 preview 2 (when upgraded form 4.6)

UE - Gameplay - Jan 12, 2015

After upgrading from 4.6 to 4.7 preview 2 objects that are set to simulate physics will not show up if the user uses the mobile preview. ...

Set Ignore Look Input stacks the resulting value each time it is called

UE - Gameplay - Jan 5, 2015

Set Ignore Look Input stacks the resulting value each time it is called. If Set Ignore Look Input is called more than once with the same value, it will take as many calls with the opposite value to ...

Custom spawn function causes crash at Launch

UE - Gameplay - Dec 30, 2014

Using a custom spawn function to spawn a character will crash editor in PIE mode (only standalone window crashes if standalone is used). ...

An error message in DataTable.cpp does not correctly output the value of a variable.

UE - Gameplay - Dec 30, 2014

An error message in DataTable.cpp is intended to display the value of an int32 variable, but instead outputs "%d". ...

Max tick rate not being enforced in the standalone game

UE - Gameplay - Dec 29, 2014

The original bug report is unclear – of course framerate of the game on PC will not match device – but QA has found a bug here. Seems like the game thread max tick rate is not being enforced in the ...

collision does not update properly when object that has limited collision is moved/rotated

UE - Gameplay - Dec 26, 2014

collision does not correct update when an object that has limited collision is altered/rotated. ...

Trigger volumes do not detect overlap events

UE - Gameplay - Dec 24, 2014

Trigger volumes do not detect overlap events. Tested in //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2394966 ...

Editor crashes when right clicking .csv data table

UE - Gameplay - Dec 24, 2014

Right clicking a csv data table in content browser crashes editor. Frequency: 3/3 CrashReporter: [Link Removed] Callstack: MachineId:4E82586D46B558EA69EF0EAA821297B1 EpicAccountId:1558531203f8 ...

Package game and standalone game crashing (possibly related to UE-6766)

UE - Gameplay - Dec 23, 2014

Crashes in UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController, probably because World is NULL. When you package this vehicle game setup or play in standalone, the game will crash. 4.6.1 release crash (Standalo ...

OnComponentEndOverlap and GetOverlappingActors are not in sync

UE - Gameplay - Dec 23, 2014

GetOverlappingActors will return a value when used immediately after OnComponentEndOverlap. Putting a delay after the OnComponentEndOverlap call will result in GetOverlappingActors to return null, s ...