OnParticleCollide doesn't return Velocity on every bounce. In code it lists all the return pins trigger 'on kill'; however, all other pins return correctly on each bounce but the velocity does not. ...
When adding a particle system to a scene with dynamic point lights with their source radius/min roughness altered results in those parameters getting reset to default. NotePoint light mush have cas ...
High quality particle lights won't behave as expected under these conditions.A particle system component has its relative location offset in blueprintThe particle system is using local spaceThe ligh ...
Ribbon type particles seem to crash the engine if they enter a killbox. This reproduces 8/10 times on the first attempt, you may need to play with the kill box placement (left corner and right corne ...
The line attractor module doesn't seem to work properly with local space. If you move the particle system you will notice that the line attractor moves at a different rate than the actual particle s ...
A licensee has reported that the particle cutout feature will sometimes clip the image on some frames despite having an alpha threshold of 0.0001 The attached project has an example of this on the ...
After interacting with the "Use Extremes" option in cascade (found in the Init Mesh Rot(Seed) module) pressing the spacebar will start changing the state of the checkbox. ...
Particle Float Parameter for the EventReceiver Spawn doesn't update when accessed via blueprint it just retains whatever default value is assigned in cascade. I've confirmed other modules work as ex ...
The editor crashes with an ensure in the output log when Vector Field flag is toggled on in the show options of the viewport. LogOutputDevice:Error: === Handled ensure: === LogOutputDevice:Error: E ...
While working in cascade (also in editor) with particles or stronger emissive values, glowing lights will appear at the edge of the screen. Note With bugs like this they seem to be tied to Radeon C ...