Changing TeleportRotationThreshold or TeleportDistanceThreshold at runtime fails to change teleport settings

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 6, 2017

USkeletalMeshComponent::USkeletalMeshComponent() caches off the teleport values for later use and then ignores the exposed values entirely. This should not be the case. We either need to detect chan ...

Suspend Clothing Simulation doesn't work when running from Construction Script

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 5, 2017

If the user sets up Suspend Clothing Simulation in the Construction Script of a blueprint, it will not work when playing. It will work if setup in the Event Graph on Begin Play. ...

Odd shadow behavior when the user suspends cloth without pausing animation

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 5, 2017

When the user suspends cloth without stopping animation, there will be some odd shadow movements. This doesn't occur if the user stops the animation along with suspending cloth (which is the prefer ...

Crash when Dragging Skeletal Mesh with Apex Clothing into Level

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Nov 29, 2016

A crash occurs when you add/drag a skeletal mesh with Apex clothing into the scene. The user reporting the issue managed to find where the crash occurs and added a comment for assistance where to lo ...

Morph Targets Get Overridden By APEX Cloth

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Nov 4, 2016

Using a material element with Apex cloth will override the morph targets so that they have no effect. This issue didn't exist in 4.10 and seems to have been introduced in 4.11 due to the many optim ...

Odd stretching with cloth asset

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Oct 19, 2016

When simulating in viewport, a section of the cloth asset stretches out far into the distance. So far I was only able to reproduce this with the CLOTH_SimpleCloth asset in QAGame. The cloth in Con ...

Apex Cloth disappears when Setting Custom Time Dilation to Zero

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Aug 24, 2016

Apex Cloth assets disappear if you set the Custom Time Dilation to 0.0. You can workaround the issue by setting the Custom Time Dilation to 1.0, and then use the 'Force Cloth Next Update Teleport a ...

Race condition in USkeletalMeshComponent::TickCloth due to delayable tick function.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Aug 1, 2016

USkeletalMeshComponent::TickComponent is run in the PrePhysics tick group. This is the only place where the SkeletalMesh is actually checked to be != nullptr to determine whether or not the TickClot ...

Assigning APX Cloth asset to material element

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jun 17, 2016

When assigning an imported apx file to the clothing drop down under the material element of this imported Skeletal Mesh will result in a crash. Tested in: 4.11.2 CL-2946394 4.12.3 CL-3013449 Dev ...

Crash when removing cloth apb's assigned to asset

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Apr 27, 2016

When removing already assigned cloth asset from a skeletal mesh it will crash the editor. I was able to reproduce this with the Owen asset from Content Examples, but was unable to get it to work fro ...