Destructible Mesh component doesn't show in bp viewport until the bp is reopened

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jun 10, 2016

Destructible Mesh component doesn't show in bp viewport until the bp is reopened User Description: Mesh dont appears in viewport after add DestructibleComponent and set "Destructible Mesh". After ...

UDestructibleComponent::ApplyDamage doesn't affect root chunk if the mesh doesn't fracture.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - May 6, 2016

ApplyDamage calls through to applyDamage on the apex actor, which takes the impulse and applies it to any fractured chunks. If however not enough damage is done to the component to fracture it, no i ...

Blueprint Viewport Not Updating When Destructible Mesh Component is Assigned a Mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 18, 2016

When you add a Destructible Mesh to a Destructible Mesh Component inside of a blueprint, the viewport is not updated with the new mesh. If you add the blueprint to the level and then open the bluepr ...

IgnoreComponents array is not properly populated when called recursively on a destructible mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 5, 2016

Using a recursive line trace function to populate the IgnoredComponents array does not properly identify each component of a destructible mesh to be ignored. ...

For Destructibles, Hide Bone by Name doesn't disable collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 4, 2016

For Destructibles, Hide Bone by Name doesn't disable collision with PBO Disable and PBO Terminate. This is similar to [Link Removed], but has enough differences to justify a new Jira (Destructibles ...

Editor lock on destructible mesh spawn

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Mar 1, 2016

Spawning an actor during TG_PrePhysics is added to TG_StartPhysics which leads to the editor locking up when multiple actors are spawned. ...

Destructible does not return Hit Bone Name when using OnComponentHit Event

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Feb 17, 2016

When using a Destructible Mesh in a bluprint and trying to return the Hit Bone Name will result in "none" being printed. However, using a simply line trace from the individual bone names from a frac ...

SetActorEnableCollision does not affect Destructible meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jan 4, 2016

Setting the SetActorEnableCollision blueprint node to false does not disable collision for a destructible mesh. Workaround: Adding a static Mesh component and setting any mesh will cause the collis ...

Add ENGINE_API to DestructibleActor

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 18, 2015

Investigating Query-Only geometry existing as static world support in NxScenes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 9, 2015

Looks like we're either using the wrong scene for world support queries or more likely query geometry is being added as static geometry in the NxScene and being picked up for world supports (this is ...