In 4.5 and previous versions, a State or Transition node had a Custom Blueprint Event field in the Details panel under Animation State for three events. AnimBP States and Transitions no longer have ...
Reported by Twitter user, "Does #UE4 seriously not support importing greyscale textures anymore?" ...
Bug report from AnswerHub. Need to figure out why C++ functions tagged NetMulticast and BlueprintCallable send the wrong paramters to some clients. ...
Even after assigning associated bones and mesh to the module, the emitter is spawning a number of sprites at the emitter origin. See Picture Attached This may be related to an earlier reported iss ...
When deploying a project to an Android device that uses UMG and Chinese text, Not all text is displayed when deployed to a mobile device ...
If the MyCharacter blueprint is renamed or moved to a different folder after the project is built in Visual Studios and then the project is saved and the editor shut down, the editor will give a war ...
GPU particles will not take a changing input from Initial Color when using a Vector Parameter to control through a blueprint. ...
Moving a spline mesh in the viewport causes negative values to be applied in the scene outliner actor count until the level is built again. ...
Two local variables with the same name in two different functions still interact with each other in some way. This was reported in TTP 346132 and fixed in that case, but currently if a local variabl ...
Editor Crashes on startup when using an NVidia GT 630M graphics card ...