Adjusting Lighting Rig Rotation manually only affects the sky and not the lighting

UE - Gameplay - Aug 2, 2016

In the Preview Scene Settings, adjusting the Lighting Rig Rotation setting manually doesn't affect the lighting. It only affects the sky. ...

10 Pixels Added to Width & Height of Floating Editor Windows Each Time Project is Reopened

Tools - Dec 14, 2015

Each time the editor opens a project, the INIalt text file changes, adding 10 pixels to the width and height of floating sub windows, thus negating the usefulness of the "Save Layout" feature. *Obs ...

character movement velocity negatively affected by framerate

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2015

Lower framerates directly affect the velocity of a character's movement if that velocity is provided by another source. ...

Editor crashes sporadically in OSX 10.12

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 27, 2016

The editor is crashing sporadically in OSX 10.12. I have just started hitting this crash ~ 3-4 times a day usually when opening a new tab of some sort in the Mac editor Looking at the various repo ...

The cap of a sliced procedural mesh is not affected by lighting

UE - Gameplay - Jul 14, 2016

After slicing a procedural mesh, the cap on the sliced end does not seem to be affected by lighting. This can result in the end looking dark. ...

Mac - Crash when opening editor on macOS 10.12

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 8, 2016

Editor crashes during initialization, but only on macOS 10.12, not 10.11.6. Crash is due to a shader not compiling... Update: Crash was not occurring on Nvidia or Intel. This was strictly an AMD i ...

OSVR is affected by screen percentage Post Process volumes

UE - Platform - XR - May 6, 2016

Found on: //UE4/Dev-VR CL-2967563 Screen percentage post process volumes affect rendering on the OSVR. It also renders incorrectly when affected. The incorrect effect has been logged as [Link Remo ...

Cull Distance Volumes Affecting Actors After Being Deleted

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2019

Cull Distance Volumes Affecting Actors After Being Deleted. Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 CL# 8386587, and 4.24 CL# 9428115 ...

No device profile detection for iPad Pro 10.5"

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 1, 2017

There's no device profile for iPadPro 10.5". It picks up other rendering settings properly from the iPadPro family. ...

Crane Yaw value affects attached Camera Rotation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 18, 2016

Crane Yaw value affects attached Camera Rotation. My expectation is based on the fact that Crane Pitch leaves the camera level ...