GetCookedEnvelopeData Blueprint node does not work

UE - Audio - Oct 17, 2019

The GetCookedEnvelopeData Blueprint node does not output cooked audio envelope data when a Soundwave with enabled Amplitude Envelope Analysis is being played. Tested in 4.21 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.3 ...

BP multi-level inheritance does not correctly inherit 'Static' mobility

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 8, 2022

User reported an issue of a mesh not being visible when a project has multi-level blueprint inheritance. After reproing, I believe the root cause is DefaultSceneRoot of the grandchild BP class not c ...

New Material Thumbnails are appearing distorted

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 1, 2016

When creating a new material the thumbnail will start out as the default material sphere but then quickly appear distorted, almost like its zoomed in really close. This does not affect already creat ...

Duplicated Blueprint Causes Incorrect Target for Events

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2015

Duplicating a blueprint that has a node hooked up to BeginPlay causes the BeginPlay in the duplicate blueprint to target the original blueprint. This does not appear to affect functionality. Occur ...

Scrolling the mouse wheel slowly on Mac does not have any effect in the editor

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 19, 2017

REGRESSION No, occurs in 4.14.3 On Mac, scrolling slowly (one or two notches) does not have any affect in editor, whereas on the Windows, this has full effect. This was seen in editor (with scroll ...

Split Struct nodes do not update if the struct variable is changed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 30, 2017

If a struct variable inside a blueprint has its node split, changing the variable form one struct to another does not update the split pin. Recombining / resplitting the struct has no affect. Work ...

Dynamic NavMesh disappears when loading/unloading SubLevels

UE - AI - Nov 9, 2018

A DynamicNavMesh within a NavMeshBoundsVolume placed in a SubLevel will disappear if loading/unloading another SubLevel that has completely nothing to do with the DynamicNavMesh. Using a setup with ...

Sequencer Batch Rendering cannot output multiple render passes in CLI

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 27, 2018

Batch rendering still works if launched from the engine using Sequence Render Movie. However it only outputs the first CustomRenderPass argument when attempting it from a Command Line Interface. Thi ...

Crash on Linux and Windows with Vulkan when adding Atmospheric Fog to a Level

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 5, 2018

Adding an instance of Atmospheric Fog to a Level causes the Editor to crash on both Linux and Windows when using Vulkan. There is a different callstack when SteamVR is enabled on Linux which is also ...

Certain materials are overly bright with Ray Traced Global Illumination denoiser

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Mar 14, 2019

Ray Traced Global Illumination is causing some materials to glow extremely bright Disabling r.raytracing.globalillumination.denoiser fixes the issue In 4.22 preview 5 binary (5365847) the result i ...