Client Characters that slide past the Server Character while on top of a Movable Actor can become de-synchronized from their Server counterpart

UE - Networking - Sep 9, 2015

Client Characters that slide past the Server Character while on top of a Movable Actor can become de-synchronized from their Server counterpart. Does not occur on top of Static Actors. Hard to expl ...

Set Relative Location on components does not replicate to clients

UE - Networking - Sep 2, 2015

Set Relative Location on components does not replicate to clients. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.0 binary, and Main (CL 2676715) ...

Base Pass Instruction Count increases on Compile and Save, then resets upon reopening Material

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 24, 2015

Material Base Pass Instruction Count will change from a value established when plugging in components pre-compile to a higher value on post compile, but when the material is reopened the count rever ...

Copying/pasting an element in an array of EditInlineNew objects results in a reference to the original element being created instead of a reference to a new copy of that element.

Tools - Aug 20, 2015

When duplicating an element of an array of EditInlineNew UObjects, a reference to the duplicated element is created instead of creating a new UObject that duplicates the initial element's properties ...

Infinite Script Recursion error crashes editor and produces UnrealScript errors in logs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 14, 2015

Macro that causes an infinite script recursion error crashes editor and produces errors in output log referring to UnrealScript. Frequency: 3/3 Crash Reporter; [Link Removed] ...

Static meshes aren't outlined when selected in Preview Rendering HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 3, 2015

When previewing Mobile rendering in the viewport, the outline around static meshes isn't rendered. This does not occur with BSP. ...

Actors with Net Load On Client disabled still appear on Clients when Use Single Process is disabled

UE - Networking - Aug 3, 2015

Actors with Net Load On Client disabled still appear on Clients when Use Single Process is disabled. Does NOT occur in packaged projects. Test project included. Set Use Single Process to false in E ...

BP structures added as local variables do not retain default values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 31, 2015

Adding a BP structure as a local variable to a function in a UMG widget graph will display the correct default values in the editor, but zero out to per-element defaults at run time. Update: Other ...

animations played on server skip every second frame

UE - Networking - Jul 24, 2015

Animations played on server skip every second frame. *See attached image. ...

Cannot edit "Detection by Affiliation" setting if AI Perception Component is setup in code

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 9, 2015

If AIPerceptionComponent is set in code, a blueprint of the associated class cannot edit the Detection by Affiliation setting in the details panel for the component. ...