Custom Events with Default parameter names causes an internal compile error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 2, 2016

Custom Events with Default parameter names causes an internal compile error User Description: I'm not sure if it's a bug,but I post it in bug reports in case it is.Here is the problem: create a c ...

Error given when making an array of delegates

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 2, 2016

Error given when making an array of delegates. The user can make an array of delegates, however this throws an error on compile ...

Switching levels requires paths to be rebuilt for show navigation to work if Agent radius has been changed

UE - AI - Nov 2, 2016

Switching levels requires paths to be rebuilt for show navigation to work if Agent radius has been changed ...

Character Upon Landing On Moving Platform Has Odd Physics Behavior

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 2, 2016

The character gets pushed in the same direction that the platform is moving upon landing. This can be corrected by increasing the braking friction factor however, the user believes the behavior is s ...

For each "EnumName" nodes do not update when passed into a create widget node via an exposed variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 1, 2016

For each "EnumName" nodes do not update when passed into a create widget node via an exposed variable ...

RoomScaleMesh from the VR template does not show up in a packaged game

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 1, 2016

RoomScaleMesh from the VR template does not show up in a packaged game ...

If a widget is set to be the parent of another widget and that widgets child is added to its designer tab, opening one of those widgets will cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 1, 2016

If a widget is set to be the parent of another widget and that widgets child is added to its designer tab, opening one of those widgets will cause a crash ...

Set Fullscreen mode does not render correctly in New Window PIE

Tools - Nov 1, 2016

Set Fullscreen mode does not render correctly in New Window PIE. The window tries to become fullscreen, however the screen appears to stop short and the bottom and right of the window are cut off ...

Underscores do not appear in Category names

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 31, 2016

Underscores do not appear in Category names within blueprints. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...

Changing function return type in code does not update blueprint pin links

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 31, 2016

When the return value of a C++ function is changed without preforming a hot reload, instances of the function node used inside a blueprint function will have their Return Value pin updated to the co ...