DebugDrawHelper memory leak in editor

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 10, 2021

Refraction broken when using material function

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 10, 2021

Licensee has provided a BP workaround ...

Shader compilation failure crash with DX12, Tesselation, Distance fields, Instanced Stereo, and Hierarchical LOD Coloration viewmode

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 5, 2021

upd. Regression was checked on //UE4/Release-4.26 CL 15973114, issue wasn't reproduced. Regression - YES Shader compilation failure crash with DX12, Tesselation, Instanced Stereo, and Hierarchical ...

DefaultEditor.ini dirtied when UpdateSingleSectionOfConfigFile is called for an object containing an array property

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 5, 2021

Closing an AdvancedPreviewScene results in a call to UAssetViewerSettings::Save to save the preview scene settings, regardless of whether or not anything has been modified. This in turn calls Update ...

Base material does not report broken logic with disconnected nodes, but instances of the same material do.

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 5, 2021

This is likely "by design", but the licensee is requesting a warning in base materials for disconnected logic that does not work, which they are reporting as a nuisance during development. Instance ...

Crash when adding a streaming level to the world through Python

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Aug 3, 2021

When using the Python plugin to add an existing level as a streaming level, the editor crashes. It seems that this happens regardless of what level is added or what the contents of that level are. A ...

Xcode project files use iOS Legacy Build System which is not supported in Xcode 13

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 3, 2021

The WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings file is generated with the following entry <key>BuildSystemType</key> <string>Original</string> This causes the warning in [Link Removed] which has was closed ...

InstanceDecorators of URichTextBlock is increased everytime add it to viewport

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 29, 2021

URichTextBlock::UpdateStyleData() does not check whether DecoratorClasses already had any specificed DecoratorClass. So every time you turn UMG on and off from the Viewport, Decorator Classes will i ...