Landscape incorrectly renders when camera clips through foliage while Playing in Editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Dec 1, 2014

Landscape sections disappear for a very brief time when the player camera clips through foliage quickly. ...

The Default Value for a Timespan variable resets whenever its Blueprint is compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 30, 2014

The Default Value for a Timespan variable resets to 00:00:00.000 whenever its Blueprint is compiled. ...

CapsuleComponent Shape sometimes reverts to previous value after entering a new value

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 28, 2014

If you manually type in the value for Capsule Half Height, it will sometimes revert back to it's previous value upon hitting Enter. The CapsuleComponent's shape in the Blueprint's Viewport adjust to ...

Renaming a custom component code class and performing a Hot Reload will cause the Editor to crash when a Blueprint containing an instance of that component class is opened.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 26, 2014

Renaming a custom ActorComponent class when that class is set as a component in a Blueprint and performing a Hot Reload will crash the Editor if the Blueprint is opened for editing after the project ...

Moving or changing the name of a project's GameInstance will switch the Game Instance Class to None and crash launched games

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 26, 2014

If the GameInstance set in Project Settings > Maps & Modes > Game Instance Class is renamed or moved to another folder, the Game Instance Class is switched to None. This causes a launched game to cr ...

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 26, 2014

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling. Even with all possibly related values changed in the character defaults, the player wi ...

The M_ShapeMaster material included in the Engine content is missing two textures.

Docs - Samples - Nov 26, 2014

The material Engine/EditorShapes/Materials/M_ShapeMaster.M_ShapeMaster is missing two textures: /Engine/EditorShapes/Textures/T_ShapeNormal.T_ShapeNormal /Engine/EditorShapes/Textures/T_ShapeDiffu ...

Skeletal Mesh Import Issue

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 25, 2014

After importing a skeletal mesh FBX (*IMPORTANT: With "Import Mesh" not selected the first time) the option box to "import mesh" disappears and the user is forced to use the originally selected "ske ...

Using the ServerTravel console command with a physics vehicle present will trigger an assert.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 25, 2014

Using the ServerTravel console command to switch to a different level while a physics vehicle is in the current level will trigger an assert. ...

Using the console command ProfileGPU while the Oculus DK2 is plugged in will cause Standalone game to crash

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 21, 2014

Using the console command ProfileGPU while the Oculus DK2 is plugged in will cause Standalone game to crash. The editor however will not crash, just the Standalone game. ...