Playing as Client in the Advanced Vehicle Project reduces maximum speed to 30-40mph and doesn't exceed 3rd gear

UE - Content - Template - Mar 2, 2022

Playing as Client in the Advanced Vehicle Project reduces maximum speed to 30-40mph and doesn't exceed 3rd gear. ...

Crash in Android media plugins on Adreno devices with letters in version

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 2, 2022

The logic to check the version number of Adreno devices does not work if there are letters in the version (like Adreno 642L). ...

"Navmesh needs to be rebuilt" error message while running a Listen Server and Client

UE - AI - Navigation - Mar 1, 2022

Navmeshes produce a "Navmesh Needs to be rebuilt" error while running a Listen Server and a Client. ...

HighResShot with a png output uses 24 bit depth in PIE instead of 32 bit

RAD - Oodle - Mar 1, 2022

Tested in 4.27.2 binary which produced 32 bit depth pngs in both the editor and PIE. Using the HighResShot command to get a png while playing in editor results in a 24 bit depth screenshot where pr ...

[Standalone Installer] The binaries for Mac are missing

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Installers - Mar 1, 2022

Noticeable input delay at lower FPS while Playing in Editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 1, 2022

When playing in editor is running at a lower fps (<20) there is very noticeable input delay that wasn't present in 4.27.2. Works correctly while playing in Stand Alone or Packaged. Tracked this iss ...

CubeGrid Tool locks editor if cube size is set too small

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Mar 1, 2022

[MetaSounds][Diffuser] - Feedback on the Diffuser is not clamped

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 1, 2022

The feedback on the Diffuser node is not clamped. Ouch. ...

RVT displaying lower LOD VTs by default in editor

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 28, 2022

See licensee description for further details. ...

r.MobileContentScaleFactor appears to be ignored defaulting to 1 on Mobile Devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 28, 2022

r.MobileContentScaleFactor = 0 should return Native Resolution; 1 should return Standard definiton; 2 shold return an High Definition Resolution. It seems that r.MobileContentScaleFactor is being i ...