The feedback on the Diffuser node is not clamped. Ouch. ...
See licensee description for further details. ...
r.MobileContentScaleFactor = 0 should return Native Resolution; 1 should return Standard definiton; 2 shold return an High Definition Resolution. It seems that r.MobileContentScaleFactor is being i ...
Generated from CrashReporter ...
Editor crashes after user tries to reload Dataprep asset after editing Filter By Actor label card in QAEnterprise project. Regression - Yes(Priority Critical), wasn't able to repro this issue in // ...
Float values with the meta tag expose on spawn aren't retaining their value when the value is set with a Spawn Actor node. It appears to only be floats. Maybe it has something to do with the change ...
In FEditorFileUtils::SaveCurrentLevel, we set the default return code as true (success) before checking validity of the current level or seeing if PromptToCheckoutLevels is successful. If we're unab ...