FMaterialResource::IsDualBlendingEnabled bug

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 24, 2023

The user has a proposed fix for this in the case. FMaterialResource::IsDualBlendingEnabled needs the following modification that includes MaterialInstance check: bool bMaterialRequestsDualSourceBle ...

Auto Exposure Compensation Curve issue when switching from Histogram to Manual

UE - Rendering Architecture - Feb 21, 2024

When switching the Camera's Exposure Metering Mode from Histogram to Manual, there is a single-frame flash. The Licensee has a proposed code change that would fix this issue. Also found in 5.4, CL 3 ...

FFieldPath resolution doesn't handle redirection

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 16, 2022

A licensee has found that redirectors don't apply to FFieldPath. We should integrate it with the following changes:It needs better error handling (looks like it could infinitely recurse),The change ...

4.6 Delegate error in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 12, 2014

When looking into the bd_hud_scoring and bd_rules_maze blueprints in the users project (Provided below), there are nodes that are throwing errors. If you press compile, the errors go away and the co ...

HLOD build crashes when GroupActor is present

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - May 24, 2022

The licensee shared information that a Null check on the following Actor can be used as a workaround. static TArray<UActorComponent*> GatherHLODRelevantComponents(const TArray<AActor*>& InSourceAct ...

Level sequence updates more than once per frame when content editors are open

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 27, 2016

When content editors are open, they cause sequencer to be updated more than once per frame. This causes animations running in PIE to play faster than expected. Licensee provides code for a potential ...

Blueprint Implementable Events and Event dispatchers with the same name break the event dispatcher.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 22, 2015

Creating an event dispatcher and BlueprintImplementableEvent function with the same names causes a signature conflict inside the blueprint. The event dispatcher is then broken as it cannot be delet ...

REGRESSION: HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent LOD transitions are broken in 4.9 and Main

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 24, 2015

While testing another fix I noticed HISM LOD transitions are not working in Main or 4.9 branch. There is no screen-door effect and multiple LODs seem to be rendering simultaneously compared to 4.8. ...

UnrealBuildTool fails to build generate project files or build if the project is stored on a non-HFS partition

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Mar 29, 2016

When a user attempts to compile a project that is stored on a non-HFS partition on OSX, UBT fails to build due to files that are being generated that start with ".". The user's proposed fix is to ha ...

FixupRedirects commandlet does not auto-commit deletions

Tools - Jun 15, 2016

See this UDN: The fix looks straightforward, just a one-line change but could benefit from tes ...