Currently UAnimSequenceBase::OnModelModified assumes that a notify is linked to a sequence and not a montage. This causes branching point notifies to lose their linked montage when being updated an ...
The problem seems to come from a notify having its LinkedMontage set to null when RefreshBranchingPointMarkers() is called. IsBranchingPoint() fails in this case, so it's never registered as a branc ...
A licensee has also recommended a fix for this issue, please see the UDN link for details. Example renderdoc capture of the issue can be found here - [Link Removed] ...
Regression checked in //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL 15973114 the issue is not reproduced thee ...
When initializing struct members from default data at UObject initialization time, we are currently copying struct properties that contain instanced subobjects from the default data. This can potent ...
As mentioned in the UDN - the user tried to rename an SMC to a different actor, which leaves the URO manager left with an incorrect data as it is not aware of the move. User proposed overriding Post ...
From UDN: We are using the Cascade particle system and we want to render the same scene with multiple cameras, so multiple renders are required. In order to ensure that the result of the particle s ...
texture streaming is one of the reasons that drop the label but not the only reason. add a line of code RHIBindDebugLabelName(NewTexture, *OldTexture->GetName().ToString()); into FMetalDynamicRHI:: ...