When the boolean is set on a child skeletal mesh, looks like it gets reset Specifically , at UActorComponent::ConsolidatedPostEditChange forces a reconstruction of the Blueprint, making the trans ...
LocalHeightFog actors placed in levels for 5.3 projects are invalid and not appearing in levels after the project is upgraded to 5.4. This is likely due to LocalHeightFog being renamed to LocalFogVo ...
When static lighting is built for a landscape with "Use Material Position Offset in Static Lighting" enabled it causes an editor crash. Licensee mentioned it was likely caused by a commit for 5.4, C ...
It appears that painted Weightmaps have inconsistent mappings between Nanite and regular landscape, BUT only if those landscapes are created in a World Partition level, landscape in regular levels d ...
Local fog volumes have a substantial offset when placed at a far distance from world origin and is then rotated. This was not the case in 5.3 when tested under the same conditions, so this is likely ...
As part of the Python and Editor Scripting Tools, it is possible to programmatically set variables in actor instances of the current level just like when using the Details Panel in the Level Editor. ...
There is moving blotchy noise on the head and face from hair when Lumen HZB tracing hits hair. CL 33258050 fixes the noise in the hair, but tracing still hits hair when it starts from surfaces like ...
Control Rig Tracks are not visible in Sequencer when the Name and Display Name are not set to the same value in the Control Rig graph, and the track filter is set to "Selected Control Rig Controls". ...