We've worked out at least a possible way this can occur from using uninitialized AnimatedNormals values when changing LODs. Ensuring all AnimatedNormals are initialized appears to fix the problem. ...
The loading of the cloth visualization materials disturbs async loads shortly after starting PIE which causes an async flush and several seconds stall. The solution would be to move these to a sing ...
The motion blur rendering is causing some issues when rendering the cloth asset as the timestep wildly changes without the number of substeps being increased, The movie pipeline code needs to man ...
The Fictitious Angular Scale is still having an effect when the cloth is teleported. Also it shouldn't have any effects when the velocity scale is set to 1 (as per tooltip documentation) but it doe ...
This warning is technically correct, panel-based cloth is disabled, but it's expected and there's nothing the user can actually do about it. This comes from a UDN. ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 The editor crashes when a physics asset of an animation with rigid body collides with geometry collection. ...
Possibly a regression, but I could reproduce this issue as far as 5.2, so unsure when it started. The issue seems to be that the cloth painting tool lock the camera movements during painting, but d ...
This came via a UDN. Very small triangles can generate very small lods, which make query time really slow if your self collision thickness is significantly larger. You will do X^3 checks per query ...
The FGCObject::AddReferencedObjects() can be called during the LoadObject for the cloth debug materials, while the material object pointers are not yet initiliazed, causing the editor to crash. ...