Loading a blueprint with an invalid gameplay tag container pin causes ensure and data loss

UE - Gameplay - Feb 23, 2021

The gameplay tag system depends on tags being registered with the global manager as valid in order to correctly read them off disk. Two different issues are combining to cause a confusing ensure and ...

Assertion failed: IsValid() in AudioDeviceManager.h related to dragging and dropping cues into the viewport

UE - Audio - Feb 23, 2021

I was not able to reproduce this issue with the user given repro steps, however the crash has occurred for multiple users according to Crash Reporter, so it is worth investigating more into ...

Persistent level containing sublevels with HLODS invalidate after saving.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Feb 22, 2021

//UE5/Main - UE.EditorAutomation(RunTest=Physics) Win64 - CableActor_CableCameraActor6 and 2 tests failing due to cable actor disappearing

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 22, 2021

### The following test(s) failed: ##### BasicCableComponentMaterials: Project.Functional Tests./Game/Tests/Actor/CableActor.BasicCableComponentMaterials * LogAutomationController: Error: S ...

A crash can occur during a batched compile of inter-dependent Blueprint assets via commandlet.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2021

Bulk compiling more than one Blueprint class asset without incurring a garbage collection pass in between each compile can result in a crash during reference replacement, as serialization may end up ...

Compile on load crashes for classes within an abstract class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 20, 2021

When compiling on load in -game, a blueprint class that inherits from a native class that is marked within and the class that it is within is abstract, a crash will occur when FBlueprintCompilationM ...

Reparenting creates incorrect ICH nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 20, 2021

In FBlueprintEditor::ReparentBlueprint_NewParentChosen FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsModified is called before calling Compile. As a result SCS nodes, including ICH nodes, are created for th ...

Some blueprint nodes are noticeably wider

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 19, 2021

Certain blueprint nodes are noticeably wider than they were in 4.25, and seem to get excessively wide if the user fills in literal pins on them. This was noticed with the Array Add nodes, but may a ...