Sending a string or text of 1024 or more characters disconnects Client and Server. 1023 works without disconnection. Possibly a buffer overflow problem? Is this expected behavior? Reproduced in 4. ...
When you go to rename a struct variable, there are no warnings that indicate that you cannot use special characters, but they are immediately deleted if you try to use them in the variable name. F ...
Lines are not drawn correctly when calling the Draw Lines node in blueprints when playing in Standalone mode. Regression? Yes, I ran the same test in 4.9.2 and 4.10.4, and the issue did not occur i ...
The Vertex (Sprite) Color is rendering a higher value than the color picker has set. In 4.7.6 this is consistent for Materials as well, but in 4.8 and 4.9 only the Paper2D elements are rendering at ...
When you double-click on a camera in the world outliner to snap to its location, it instead moves the camera from its original position. Found in 4.9.1 binary. Could not reproduce in 4.8.3, this i ...
Getting an object from an array at a certain index and then using the Remove Item node causes the entire array to be wiped. Found in 4.10 Preview 4. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main CL 2752291. ...
Packaged QA Game crashes when opening "TM-MotionController" This issue did not occur in 4.13 This is also affecting KiteDemo. Cinematic will crash when Editor Content is not included in the packag ...
A user has reported an issue about scroll bars having a minimum size in UMG and Slate code, causing them to not scale correctly when the scroll box is at a smaller size. This affects both horizontal ...
This is a semi-common Linux crash coming out of 4.17.1. It is spread among a few different similar callstack affecting a handful of users. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed ...
A licensee noticed that the ShouldCache types for FLandscapeMaterialResource changed in the 4.18.2 but this did not affect the DDC keys generated. This caused an endless compilation loop where the s ...