Random Number Generated in Constructor Returning Different Value on Begin Play

UE - Gameplay - Jan 13, 2016

When generating a random number using FMath::RandHelper() in the constructor of an actor, attempting to print that same number on BeginPlay returns a different value than the constructor. However, ...

SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x10

UE - Audio - Jan 13, 2016

User reports crash occurs when stopping a simulation or closing the editor Crash reporter link: [Link Removed] ...

Landscape brush not visible when landscape material uses World Position Offset

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 13, 2016

Landscape brush not visible when landscape material uses World Position Offset. Update: Brush also not visible when landscape material uses displacement. Tested in Binary 4.10.2 from launcher. ...

Using Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision causes landscape to have no collision

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 13, 2016

Creating a material with World Position Offset and enabling "Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision" causes the landscape to have no collision. Disabling this feature causes collision to come ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-Core.dylib!<Unknown>

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 13, 2016

Crash Reporter Link: [Link Removed] User's description in Crash Reporter: Clicked on the + button to GameModeOverride in the World Settings panel. ...

Building Grass Map toast stays up forever

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 13, 2016

The Building Grass Maps toast stays up forever when your landscape material does not have a landscape grass output and the landscape option Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision is checked. ...

Crash Occurs When Attempting to Use Validated Get on a Local Variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 13, 2016

In a function, creating a local Pawn or Actor variable, getting it, and then converting the Get to a Validated Get will cause the editor to crash upon compiling the blueprint. Found in 4.10.2 binar ...

Setting the Falloff Distance of a Sound Wave/Cue to 0.0 will no longer Play Sound

UE - Audio - Jan 13, 2016

As the title suggests, whenever you add a Sound Cue or Wave to a level and set it's 'Falloff Distance' to 0.0 the sound will no long play. I have attached a project to provide a simple regression t ...

Hot reload does not compile changes to automation tests

UE - Automation Test - Jan 13, 2016

After making a change to an automation test function and triggering a hot reload, the changes are not reflected the next time the text is ran. ...

Tessellation no longer working

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 12, 2016

Material Tessellation is no longer working in 4.11 Preview 2, 3, or 4. It is also no currently working in 4.12 Main. Working: 4.10.2 - CL-2818068 Not Working: Tested in Dev-Release CL-2824708 Not ...