The transition ratio getter simply uses ElapsedTime/Crossfade for the alpha on the transition. Normally this is sufficient, although if you blend between two states A and B such that you interrupt ...
Problems rendering higher resolution than 1080p from matinee with "Use Separate Process". Seems to render only part of the frame and is stretched. This is a regression from 4.10. [Image Removed] ...
The user still gets the warning that the user need to recompile blueprints (even though none exist) when auto recompile blueprints is turned off. ...
The post process within the project is causing the light to show up extremely bright on Note 5. This project has been tested on a Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy S6, and Nexus 5X. Could not repro on: 6713 ...
Users reporting that they cannot preview morph target animations while scrubbing through matinee. They suspect that it may be caused by this update in the release notes: "New: Optimized Matinee Act ...
Notifies near the start of an animation do not trigger when played through slots with either the PlaySlotAnimationAsDynamicMontage or with a Montage. There could be other instances of this, but the ...
If Show Mouse Cursor is enabled and the mouse is not locked to the viewport, input axis information passed to other actors breaks after releasing and re-pressing LMB. Regression? (Yes), issue (do ...
When calling a post process blendable to the screen using the CameraVectorWS input data, only the geometry is effected and not the screen space. Note I sent an email out about this issue, and it ha ...
Widgets called to the Viewport with Fullscreen enabled, will eventually cause artifacts to appear on the edges/borders of the screen. There is currently a forums post with multiple users reporting ...