AI Perception Hearing Sense is returning false for successfully sensed, even when a Noise Event is being reported. Found in 4.12 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary. ...
This crash has been reported through the 4.12 Previews and is continuing to occur in the 4.12.0 release. Additional information about this crash is not available at this time, however it may be the ...
Setting a parent and child static mesh scale to negative effects the rotation on child movement This is a regression. Worked in 4.11.2. User Description: We have a simple project example (see att ...
Setting blueprint name as a copied blueprint node crashes editor Frequency 5/5 Crashreporter [Link Removed] Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...
Access violation crash on startup after converting project User Description: We were using 4.10.4, and are trying to upgrade to 4.11.2. The project will convert and open fine the very first try, b ...
Spawn Actor From Class is not accessible inside of a blueprint function library. It is expected that it would be accessible and would come with an exposed world context object pin. ...
When creating a new material the thumbnail will start out as the default material sphere but then quickly appear distorted, almost like its zoomed in really close. This does not affect already creat ...
When using the Default Scene Root component in a blueprint with no additional components, the box extent of the Get Actor Bounds node is returning 128,128,128 instead of the expected 0,0,0. If you ...
Changing the values that govern what bones a constraint is suppose to be a joint between (Constraint Bone 1 & 2) will cause issues where the transform widget is moved to an appropriate location but ...
Sequencer renders events affecting UMG twice ...