Make warning about using collision and 'components space' in RigidBody node more visible

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 1, 2017

In the RigidBody anim node, if the user enables collision while Component Space Simulation is enabled, there will be warnings in the output log saying:Warning Trying to use world collision with comp ...

Clicking reimport on a skeletal mesh crashes the editor - UE4Editor_Engine!USkeleton::GetSmartNameContainer() [skeleton.cpp:1410]

Information about this goes here....Reimported Skeletal Mesh FBX 2016/2017 in preview window. Didn't crash outside of preview in the standard content browser context menu. ...

Merge an actor that contains Instanced Static Mesh components will reset to 0,0,0

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jan 31, 2017

Merge an actor that contains Instanced Static Mesh components will reset to 0,0,0. The Instanced Static Mesh components must be set using the Add Instance node through the Construction Script for th ...

Output Log Warnings occur when selecting RigidBody node

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 31, 2017

The following warnings appear in the Output Log when selecting a RigidBody node:LogPropertyNode:Warning: Property AnimNode_Ragdoll::bOverrideWorldGravity is an editcondition for AnimNode_Ragdoll::Ov ...

Bodies simulating from RigidBody node do not respond to physics handling

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 31, 2017

When a skeletal mesh is using a RigidBody node, and simulating bodies will not respond to physics handling like they do with a physics asset. In the gif provided, the left one is a physics asset, a ...

Setting Alpha on RigidBody node results in bone displacement

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 31, 2017

If the user sets the Alpha channel on the RigidBody node to something between 0 and 1, this can result in some bone displacement. ...

Failed to compile C++ Code project, for iOS/tvOS in Development, in Xcode 8.3 beta 1

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 31, 2017

Project fails to build for iOS/tvOS due to:error: non-portable path to file errors. ...

Reimporting skeletal mesh clears material references from material slots

Tools - Jan 30, 2017

This occurs in //UE4/Release-4.15, //UE4/Dev-Editor, and //UE4/Main Does not occur in 4.14.3 ...

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift

UE - AI - Jan 30, 2017

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift. It must be rebuilding (physics objects, etc) while the origin shift is taking place; then the nav mesh will rebuild at different heights ...

Crash when adding sphere reflection capture to a scene

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 30, 2017

An occasional crash occurs when adding a sphere reflection capture to the scene from the place mode panel. This issue has a low repro, but has been seen a couple times. Repro rate seems to be around ...