"Root Motion From Everything" Immobilizes Default Character

OLD - Anim - Dec 1, 2014

Selecting "Root Motion From Everything" in the Default Character's Anim Blueprint results in the character not being able move (with the W,A,S,D keys) ...

GPU Particles will not Rotate based on a negative Int Rotation Rate Value

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 1, 2014

GPU Particles will not rotate based on a negative input from a uniform distribution via Initial Rotation Rate ...

Adding a code class derived from AnimInstance to a project created using the code Vehicle template will cause the Visual Studio build to fail.

UE - Gameplay - Dec 1, 2014

Adding a new code class derived from AnimInstance will cause the Visual Studio build to fail in a project based on the code Vehicle template. The build errors indicate that there are problems in the ...

Form Extended Structures will only destroy one mesh but not any attached

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 28, 2014

DESCRIPTION: While using form extended structures enabled for a Destruction mesh one of the meshes will be able to be damaged while any others attached will not fracture or damage at all. For exam ...

Incorrect static lighting on InstancedStaticMeshes

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Nov 27, 2014

Sometimes instances of an InstancdStaticMeshComponent have an incorrect hue after building static lighting. In the thread, the user provides a repro map ...

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 26, 2014

When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling. Even with all possibly related values changed in the character defaults, the player wi ...

Variables in other blueprints cannot be accessed in the context menu

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 26, 2014

A variable in another Blueprint can't be accessed in the context menu from a reference to that Blueprint. ...

Altering Player Controller in Gamemode resets upon reloading project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 26, 2014

If a user sets the player controller to a custom Player Controller inside of a gamemode, then compiles, saves, and closes both the blueprint and the editor. Upon reloading the player controller in t ...

Destructible Meshes that are fractured while using moving will rest and then move the whole components fractures as a whole

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 26, 2014

DESCRIPTION: When a destruction mesh has been setup to move to a location or use a lerp if it is destroyed the components will fall, come to a rest, and then the entire destruction destruction mesh ...

Skeletal Mesh Import Issue

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 25, 2014

After importing a skeletal mesh FBX (*IMPORTANT: With "Import Mesh" not selected the first time) the option box to "import mesh" disappears and the user is forced to use the originally selected "ske ...